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I Are Cat

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About I Are Cat

  • Birthday 11/09/1997

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    layla.thurman (I Are Cat)

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  1. Leta arose from the bench to stand beside him. Her head barely came up above his stomach. She'd always been small. "Tell me Mr. Matthews," She said tucking a soaked strand of white behing her elfish ear, "Where is it we'll be going?". She blinked a few times to clear them of the raindrops that had settled in her long lashes. She held tight to his hand as they both began to walk down the paved street of the city. It could get dangerous at night. But it seemed that that time was passing for in the east, just over its horizon, you could see the first rays of the sun peeking out. It was as if the world was waking from a sleep. Even the rain was even beginning to lessen.
  2. Leta raised one eyebrow. She knew very well how limited her options were. Her fingers played childishly with the ends of her hair as she thought. She could go back to her house and live out her days in misery there. Live here in the park where she would suffer for the rest of her life, less so than her home. Or she could take this strangers hand and travel the world, see new and strange places. But he could also be dangerous. She'd always been a very clever girl. She didn't trust very easily. Perhaps this man wished to kidnap her and do with her as he would. Could she really trust him not to do that? Yes. Of course she could. This man was her hero. He'd already been so kind to her. "I'd say yes." She looked up at him her bright blue eyes filled with her decision. It was one she'd thought through and had made whole heartedly. Now all she had to do was follow through. She gave him a small smile. It was a weak one that was full of pain, yet still it was a beacon of hope in the girls dark world.
  3. "Thank you" She said looking down at his hand clasped around hers. It was nice and dry. She looked back at him watching the movements his mouth made as he asked her another question. She thought back to how a lamp had barely missed her face as she ran from the door. Trying to escape the horrid screaming and yelling of her so called parents. They were spiteful people without and ounce of love in their heart other than the love for themselves. "I....I cant go home..." She looked away from him ashamed of her cowardice. "These conditions here are better than the ones back home." She sneezed a few times before having a bout of coughing. It nearly drove her into a fit. Surely by now shed caught herself a good cold.
  4. The young girl stood from the ground. Not bothering to wipe the dirt and grass from her rain soaked pants. She placed a soft palm on the mans cheek as if to prove by some means of physicality that he really existed. "Oh Ceres speak again for I truly believe that I am looking at a ghost now. For if you are real then perhaps you would hear me and reply. Otherwise I must believe that I have gone far past madness." She hadnt yet dropped her hand and decided to do so now. She looked deep into his grey eyes looking for that spark of life that shed always seen in her dreams. There it was clear as day. As if something within him just shone out of those fogged windows to the soul. "I am Leta, Leta Saunders." She said with a steady voice. It was clear and musical. Unlike the shy shakiness it had exhibited before. It made her seem more...divine.
  5. The girl sat up so quickly that the water on the bench caused her to slide off into the dirt and grass. "Who are you?" She asked her blue eyes wide with terror. There were no such thing as friendly people in her world. Here everyone wanted something from you and would use any means to get it. She searched the mans face for any sign of his ulterior motives. She looked into his eyes. Blue against grey. Her faced turned from terror to complete horror. "Blind man." She whispered her breath a cloud in the cold weather. Was this possibly the act of god answering her? Could this possibly be her way out? Or was this simply the hallucinations from a case of hypothermia that shed most likely developed by now? The young girls head was swimming around, more like drowning, in a pool of wich all the answers were on a far away shore.
  6. The young girl looked over to the small bench in the center of the park. Shed slept there for many nights. Perhaps she should spend the night there again. Or maybe she should return to the raucous house and face her punishment as it was. After all no one could run forever. Not even the blind man. Now when we say the blind man were quite positive he isnt truly blind. In fact we have reason to believe that this man actually saw a lot more than most people do in their life time. the young girl had often dreamed of him. His slender black coat and green hair. She had often written stories of him. How he would traverse the galaxy, he was always searching, always running. Perhaps she was a lot like him in that way. Always a runner. The young girl made it back through the rain to the small bench. She flopped onto it exhausted. Further drenching herself in water she curled up onto its metallic green surface. She wished so much that the blind man would come for her, take her away with him. She wouldnt miss this place. With its filthy people and worn streets. Yes, she wouldnt mind a little adventure.
  7. The rain was a soft patter on the grass. All things silent throughout the park other than the drum beat. It was amazing how quiet it was here. Much better than the horrific yelling back at the small house a few blocks away. In fact amongst the silence you could faintly hear it. A new sound had joined that of the rain. The sound of footsteps. Little blue trainers splashed in the puddles as they made their way across the street. Soaked was the girl who wore them. Her white blonde hair was plastered to her head and her navy hoodie was no protection against mother natures tears. Perhaps she was running from something. Theres no guessing what. But theres a large chance that she knew the harshness of that loud house a few blocks away. Among the drops of rain, tears also ran down her fair cheeks. Blue blood shot eyes rarely opened as she ran. She cut through an alley way in some hope of dry air. She found no such protection but stopped anyway. She was growing weary and if she couldnt find protection from the rain here then she wouldnt find it anywhere. She tried to wipe her face with the soaked sleeve of her hoodie. It was no use really. She looked up into the smoke filled sky with hope in her heart and a prayer on her lips. "Please, Make this pain end. If youre really out there God. If you really exist. Please send me some hope, some power, some strength to get through this." She looked down at her shoes in an utter and hopeless defeat.
  8. Ib was confused. Mary sure did say her own name an awful lot. Ib looked at her from Garrys other side. Yes she was weird indeed. She allowed Garry to drag her along. She was getting tired. Being a kid she needed sleep.
  9. Ib looked at her. "Your dress is pretty." She said gripping Garrys hand. Really the dress looked completely wrong. It looked older. Like it was from an earlier time. Maybe she was over thinking it. There was a banging coming from down the hall. That usually meant danger.
  10. Ib smiled. She'd always liked the name Mary. "Im Ib. And hes Garry." She said introducing the two of them to Mary. The blonde girl had a strange palor to her face. She was a strange peachy white color.
  11. Ib felt wary of the girl. She shrunk behing Garry like most children do when theres strangers. "Uh, Hi." She said peeking at the girl. She seemed madder than Garry had first seemed. Maybe it was just the oddity of finding other people in sich a terrifying place. She looked at the girls rose. It was a pretty yellow color.
  12. Ib squealed and jerked backwards from the disgusting eyeballs protruding from the floor. Her own foot crashed into one. "Garry!" She shrieked. She was trying to climb up him like most children do when children are frightened by something on the floor. In this case it was eyeballs. She tried to rush on ahead of the eyeballs but Garry seemed intent on going at the speed of a snail.
  13. Ib had been trying to peek over Garrys shoulder to look at the book too but he seemed to be purposefully keeping it from her sight. Hearing the click of the unlocked door Ib was confused. "How could reading a coloring book unlock a door?" She asked wishing she'd gotten to read the coloring book as well. But as soon as Garry had set it down it vanished. She wanted to pout the way that most children do but Garry was already pulling her through the door.
  14. Ib slipped her hand out of Garrys and walked over to the table picking up the coloring book. The cover itself was horrifying and demented. She didn't even want to peek at the pages. "Garry, I dont think we should open it." She said fearfully. Though she was curious. She gave him a questioning look. "Should we? It could help!" She offered. The need to open it was quickly overgrowing the fear of what it might contain.
  15. Ib nodded allowing him to go in front of her. Were the walls growing closer? The two of them could barely fit in the hallway now. "Garry...Why are the walls getting smaller?" she asked squeezing his hand she could feel herself beginning to panic as the black hands began to slither out. There was no possible way of avoiding them.
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