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Everything posted by SoulofDeity

  1. Here's a list of programs I've written for Z64 modding dl2obj - converts display lists to wavefront obj's (also rips textures) dlpos - allows you to position, rotate, and scale display lists n64conv - a replacement for the tool in ZLE2's texture export folder; converts the files into .tga's. This was written because the tool that comes with ZLE is 16-bit and won't work on 64-bit pc's. tga2i4 - converts a 32-bit RGBA (uncompressed) .tga to an i4 texture tga2i8 - converts a 32-bit RGBA (uncompressed) .tga to an i8 texture tga2rgba16 - converts a 32-bit RGBA (uncompressed) .tga to a rgba16 (5551) texture tga2rgba32 - converts a 32-bit RGBA (uncompressed) .tga to a rgba32 (8888) texture A Quick Tutorial on Texture Replacement With My Utilities Another project I'm working on, z64rip. It converts wavefront obj's into valve smd's (complete with skeleton and skinning) And of course, Hylian Cartographer, which is also in progress: On the Todo List for Hylian Cartographer: - 90% : Full-fledged 3d engine supports skeletal animations and capable of loading various file formats. - 80% : Automated display list replacer - 0% : Filesystem editor that support searching, extraction, replacement, and external file name loading Q/A: - q - What do you do when you're not working on these projects? - a - I work on one of my other projects; the Storm SDK / 3D Engine (which I plan on selling), and the Soul operating system which I'm not entirely sure I'm gonna release because at its current stage, I don't know if I can make it compete with Windows / Mac / Linux. - q - Do you ever take a break? - a - No. I'm autistic, and programming is how I express myself. To me, it's enjoyable. Its actually harder for me NOT to do something constructive with my time.
  2. They're DA instructions are used for multi-matrix transforms, (allowing vertices to be affected by more than 1 transformation matrix), which fills the joints between 2 display lists.
  3. Or just word 'hack' in general. Many people fail to realize that modding is taking something you have and giving it a new purpose or use while hacking is using something in a way it was never intended and against its own laws to achieve a particular result. Idk, just a pet peeve of mine.
  4. If no one minds, I'll reword the wiki as logical mapping instead of virtual. Purpose being that logical memory is static and virtual memory is capable of being dynamically remapped.
  5. I figured this out and noticed this was never actually answered, so I'm gonna post it here: DA Set Matrix Format: [DA ss 00 tt bb oo oo oo] ss - ((size_of_matrix_in_bytes - 1)/4) << 3 bb - bank matrix is stored in oo - offset of matrix tt - instruction/matrix type MODELVIEW = 0x01 PROJECTION = 0x05 LOAD = 0x03 PUSH = 0x00 The matrix itself is always 4x4 in size and composed of half-floats (16-bit floats)
  6. Well, then it's labelled incorrectly, it shouldn't be called a virtual mapping it should be called a decompressed mapping. When talking about binares (elf, coff, pe, etc.) virtual addresses refer the offset that the data is loaded at in ram, not where its at when uncompressed. I always assumed the virtual mappings were the offsets they were loaded at + 0x80000000 (start of ram)
  7. the virtual mappings are the RAM addresses.
  8. perhaps its the color encoding, a simple change from RGB to CMYK, HSV, or YUV might give those results.
  9. The only text-formatted ones I know of are wavefront obj, valve smd, valve .dmx, directX .x, collada .dae, vrml, lightwave .lwo, doom md2, doom md5mesh / md5anim, and .psk. .smd, .x, .dae, .md5, and .psk all support skeletons. .md2 doesn't use skeletons, but supports vertex animation.
  10. All that does is go more in depth about what I was talking about, the physical and virtual mappings of the files in the rom. The only thing I didn't state was that some files are compressed.
  11. In the rom's filesystem, each entry has both a virtual and physical address. The physical address is the location of the data in the rom, the virtual address is the location of the data in the ram. If the ram matches up, you can find the rom address that way. Keep in mind though that many entries share the same virtual addresses.
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