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Everything posted by john_smith_account

  1. Sorry to get uptight... and yes math IS OCD. Anyways I see what you're trying to do with your method VS what I'm trying to do with mine. You're trying to preserve the extra data, the extra 7 shades produced by 8-bits versus 5. But you can't. You can kinda but not really. All using a ratio conversion can do is bump the color up a single shade. Since there are no half values here, we are only dealing with 7 shades of difference, 3 bits. So your method would keep the first 3(or 4?) shades the same, and bump the next 4(or 3?) shades up. So shades 1-3(or 1-4?) are lost, not dumped up. Shades 4-7(or 3-7?) are bumped up to 8. When you think about it that way, we're disagreeing over a single bit. *THINKS* Oh, now I get it! Actually, never mind. I think I prefer your method after all.
  2. 11111 would become 00011111Least Significant Bit starts on the left(edit)? I understand what you mean about using ratio, however if I'm not mistaken the higher bits are higher values, and each of the lower bits are are lower values. Therefore you ignore the lower values, as they only create different shades between the higher values. I'm pretty sure that is proper conversion. A direct multiplication of the bits also preserves the original values, and removes any chance of rounding errors upon multiple conversions Humor me please, multiply the values by 8 (R*8) (B*8) (G*8) for conversion and check the results. Please. Edit: I said right before, I meant left.
  3. I may come out sounding very stupid on this, since I can't read the source code, but...I vaguely remember having a similar problem in converting textures to 8-bit. In my case I shifted the bits to higher values to solve the issue. Lets say the 5 bit value was 10111 one would assume to convert it to 8 bits it would be 10111000 In whatever I was coding, that didn't work, so I shifted the bits over (multiplied) the value. 10111 becomes 00010111 Again, I can't read your source code so hope I don't sound dumb.
  4. Hello, I'm john_smith_account. I'm a long time member of the Zelda Modding communities, but am new to this site.
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