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Everything posted by Andreawws!

  1. You forgot Gray hat hackers! **Grey hat hackers are in the middle, they hack a system, give the info to the company AND the interw3bs and watch the conflict (by the way graet lolz for any bystander )**
  2. whahahahaha!!! What an IDIOT. someone should show him how a real game is done, I have for example now been working for 2 weeks non-stop and I just finished a decent map loader and rudimentary collisiond etection and physics.... anyone thinking game maker makes anything but garbage should be buried alive in coding books....
  3. what the hell, harry potter was written first (lolz) Not casting a black actor for Sirious black is not racist, maybe it could've been that no black person applied for the role? storing books in treasure chests what's the problem? Like we are pirates and wizards and other stuff that doesn't exist, ok.. pirates DO exist lemme see.... fuck... not gonmna point out everything.-- Point is he's a retard: No logics at all horrible spelling! apparently he doesn't even have half a brain..... and so on and so on.....
  4. and yes, this is feeding the trolls, but it has so much lolz potential that I couldn't resist answering!
  5. so anyone got a clue about this. I also want some info on the music format (making some custom songs ) Lemme see. hmm..... I know! How bout making textures animate? (Like water and/or lava, also I have a texture that would be really nice if it rotated!) I also need some info on the warp system, I got a clue but I want more info (It is a pain to learn through trial and error, tho I am halfway through testing, I got a clue on how it works) there was something more, but I can't remember right now
  6. How I solved it? Uninstalled it Reinstalled it same problem then I: F-ed around with new libraries (libpng is one) the files (adding symbolic links) And generally breaking everything..... well obviously not breaking, since it worked... And I would have changed the title, but I didn't see anywhere to do that when I edited the topic..... **Note that is a quick description of what I did**
  7. <console_dump> haxxor@haxxorz-Domainz:~$ mupen64plus[/s] __ __ __ _ _ ____ _ | \/ |_ _ _ __ ___ _ __ / /_ | || | | _ \| |_ _ ___ | |\/| | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '_ \| '_ \| || |_| |_) | | | | / __| | | | | |_| | |_) | __/ | | | (_) |__ _| __/| | |_| \__ \ |_| |_|\__,_| .__/ \___|_| |_|\___/ |_| |_| |_|\__,_|___/ |_| http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ Mupen64Plus Console User-Interface Version 1.99.4 dlopen('./libmupen64plus.so.2') error: ./libmupen64plus.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory AttachCoreLib() Error: failed to find Mupen64Plus Core library </console_dump> So... Can anyone give me a hint on this? Thanks in advance /Andreawws! Topic solved, let's let it die in peace.
  8. holy shit xdaniel! Thanks! **Bookmarks the page** Now I just need $200
  9. Where did you get that flash cartridge!? Please tell me (I have looked for something like this!)
  10. oh awesome could I maybe test a linux version? (If one is ever released that would be)
  11. I found ZSO somewhere around 04 as well, but I had no idea what it (or emulators) was, I was merely looking for glitches, And I think I found some too **A bit offtopic** Has anyone managed to get the zora gauntlets on a real console? I have only managed to get the 'kokiri' gauntlets...
  12. Install ubuntu. (or at least that is my advice) there doesn't seem to be any problem when installing the latest ubuntu release (64 bit hardware, tried with both 64 and 32 bit OS)
  13. I started way back in -07 (or it feels like agoes ago anyway) by getting knowledge of pj64. I quickly (More like instantly) noticed that there was Gameshark codes available, so I started to play around with them then one day when I was searching (this was in -07 or -08 dun remember) I found glitchkill, now I found the specific code I was looking for and forgot about it for almost 2 years, in -09 I found it again, this time it was because I had seen some videos on youtube about modding zelda, and They said 'a glitchkill.tk production' or something, I was intrigued. so I went there and lurked for a long time, reading a lot but not joining or posting at all... I learned some when readin, but there is just a certain amount of things you can learn and understand completely without questions, in -10 I joined because I was hooked on modding zelda and I wanted to learn! I had actually started to mod sm64 back in -08, but that is not really relevant.....
  14. ok, I'll try that. **Still needs a way to export and insert textures**
  15. Oh yes, that should work, but I want too know how to get mupen64plus to emulate the debug rom, it saves the hassle of running wine (Wine=Slower framerate)
  16. First of all, I use ubuntu (10.10, downgraded by reinstall, because a)11.04 is buggy I have a BIOS virus, yes it sux.....) Second I got mostof the opengl stuff I am using python 2.6 (It was a pain to manually uninstall all newer versions of python and install 2.6) I have a slight skill when it comes for writing scripts (I did it on windows just for fun, adn sometimes when modding newer games) I had an emulator.... Mupen64Plus It refused to load the debug rom, at all, not even sound and it crashed alot on a decompressed MM rom
  17. indeed , some other things it doesn't seem to like is various edits in the rom, (PJ64 crashed nemu didn't, another fun thing, I cahnged the guards in kakariko to gibdos, all of em, the gibdos would never spawn in pj64 but they would spawn in nemu)
  18. no I am modding because it is fun.... and I have a lot of dox on the subject
  19. nope, when saving It says it has saved, but it doesn't save **Note that I haven't tried it since I used windows**
  20. Yes I am about too shrink my partitions for dual booting xp..... Since I cannot get ZLE2 to run in wine, and that is what I really need. OZMAV2 is good, but I never got it to work properly SM64toZ64 is good, and I have use for it. But I really need ZLE2 Zsaten and DLViewer, do they ahve a function of exporting and reinserting textures?
  21. First of all, I like ubuntu, will not change... I have wine.... and wine has problems with a lot of programs, and the source is sually hard to find. I am learning mips and I know C hex editor is my prefered application for changing groups loaded, actor numbers, variables, text and so on.
  22. I am called what I am called because I think of a username and call myself that. usually very random
  23. hi vex! If I remember it correctly you hate me, have a good day
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