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Posts posted by Kargaroc

  1. They obviously do now, considering the lack of too much in Twilight Princess (still not so sure about SS).


    Speaking of Wind Waker hacking, has anyone been able to crack the midi music format?

    The thing is, I dont' think anyone's looked at the MIDI music for unused tracks because they couldn't.

  2. Ummm.. kay, I feel like you guys really took my words the wrong way. :)


    I was just saying, when the Wii came out, HD was the norm for a while. Don't get me wrong, I love Nintendo's games and graphics; they put a lot of good stuff out there, considering their lack of high specs and stuff. Like, a lot more effort than even like, Naughty Dog, for being without HD. And also the 3DS only being 240p, and the camera at like a MP, is kind of a letdown.


    It would really help them out and increase quality, and sales. I love it enough, but with higher specs and HD, we can get a lot more games, and a lot more Nintendo fans, and stand up to Microsoft and Sony.


    Ninty's still my fav <3


    This post a million times over.


    I would say, that graphics don't make the game, the gameplay and story make the game. But graphics still do help out a lot.

  3. Hey Kargaroc, any progress with this?


    Well, if I understood PPC assembly, then I would be done. But I don't. The thing is, I need help with this. Otherwise I can't do it, cause I just don't know how.


    And all the programmers on these forums, are perpetually busy. And I understand that.

    I will say that if no one can help me, then I am cancelling this project because I can't do it alone.

  4. Really, I think that's how it was. There's even beta screenshots of a Gohdan boss room (that I think I may have posted several times before) in this style, and it is most certainly NOT this room. The beta screenshot depicts a octagonal room, presumably as large as the final version, with the blue brick walls, and no windows what so ever. There must of also been two doors in the boss room as well because how else are you gonna get out. That also necessitates a second outside portion that was scrapped. Either that, or you got into the boss differently than in the final (possibly by using a warp?).


    As for the other rooms, I don't think that the dungeon was longer per-se, but rather that instead of going directly into the statue rooms, you had to go through these hallways, which would take you to the statue rooms.

  5. Okay, I've been meaning to post this for a few days now, though I haven't been up to it.


    Lately I've been making this thing in Minecraft. Most of you, if you know me, should know what it is (and it's not a Kargaroc statue... I already have lots of those xD)


    No, it's this

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    (Cartograph overhead)


    Of course, that's the old old DmSpot0 minimap... which I decided to use as a template for making the whole island.


    It's far, FAR from complete, as you can tell... I haven't even began the left part, and the terrain on the right is only half complete...


    But I think I've come far enough in this to say I'm gonna complete it.


    If any of you have Minecraft and want to help, I can put this on a server as well.


    EDIT: more progress:

    Posted Image

    I more or less finished the basic terrain for the one side... There's a few things missing, like the rocks in the ground, or the trees, or the houses... but that's less important, and should be done later.


    Should I do the left side now? Or do the mountainous part first?


    The mountainous part is gonna be the hardest part, and to tell you the truth, that would probably be the part I need help on, cause I suck at features like that... especially when I have to make parts of them up, considering the entire back of the island was completely redesigned in between when the map was made and when the model that we have was made...

  6. I was originally gonna ask this question in the shout box, but it's too long to put there.


    Of course, the music in Skyward Sword is just brstm so you can play it with in_dsp.


    The thing is that apparently some songs have multiple copies of themselves on the disk. I recall two music tracks that were bit-for-bit identical, yet had different names. I have no idea what that's about. I know I never messed with the files my self.


    Others, like the BGM to the Ancient Cistern dungeon, seem to have multiple copies as well, though there may be a better explination as they're not identical copies. For instance, the normal music that the dungeon uses is the 37th brstm in the wzs folder (though it could be backwards). But then there's this bizarro track 15, which has less pronounced instruments and sounds generally toned down. Not to mention that the file size is half of the other one.

    Maybe since that's a water dungeon, that's a different music track that plays when the camera is submerged in water?



  7. I'm having trouble finding the routine that checks for Link's proximity and makes it start flying towards you and attacking...


    I hate to say but I think I need help with this. Dolphin's debugger doesn't seem to be able to nop out functions so I can't even use trial and error :D In order to have any effect you would have to modify the rel directly, which I don't think I want to do.

  8. I've gotten nowhere in terms of hacking the rel, which is what I will have to do. The final AR code would theoretically patch the rel file. The rel is yaz'ed though. The game can load uncompressed rels, but that's beyond the capabilities of an AR. What we would have to do is uncompress the rel, change it, recompress it, and see what the differences are in the new yaz'ed rel.


    The rel, btw, is a vast monstrosity of hexadecimal codes that I don't understand. And, like I said, Dolphin's debugger can't insert jumps, at least not any that's pointed to anywhere. You can't even select a block of code and nop it. You have to nop all of them, one by one, which is EXTREMELY tedious.



    In other news, I don't know, but the Kargaroc seems to have a strange reaction to the Command Melody. It seems that Kargaroc glitches through the water alot after I play it. Perhaps it prevents water_check from running... :shrug:


    BTW... I hope to have the final AR code... or atleast a proof of concept... by November 20th...

  9. Can you modify those functions using Dolphin's debugger? If so, you could try to systematically "nop" them, make them return prematurely (a return right at the function's start) or somesuch, and see if that has any visible result in-game. Like, make "player_view_check" return right away, before it actually performs whatever check it does (hopefully the one for Link's proximity), and hope for the best. Although, depending on what registers or memory locations those functions write to, and if other functions rely on those, the game might not behave the way you'd want it to. Not necessarily crash outright, but who knows what.


    No idea if this helps, but it's something...?


    That was what I was thinking the whole time. The problem is that Dolphin's debugger doesn't allow you to insert jumps. Just arbitrary instructions.


    In kinda-sorta unrelated news, I'm playing Wind Waker in Dolphin right now. Not to hack or anything, but to complete this 5 year old save that I never completed. So I am in one of the gauntlet minidungeons, and I went into a room with wizzrobes. The first thing they spawned were two Kargarocs. Now, as I vowed to not kill any Kargarocs in this, I killed everything else first. So, now I have one of those boes (from the mothulas) on me, and the two Kargarocs won't attack me. The enemy music plays and they're flying like they would attack me, but they're not. They never try to.


    I wonder if the boes have anything to do with it...


    Save state (for NTSC ISO, Dolphin 3.0) comming soon here

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