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About daxgr


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  1. I recently bought the Rockstar Collection on a Steam sale and I'm currently playing L.A. Noire and Max Payne 3, I had "tried" L.A. Noire on PS3 and I figured I should play it this time "properly". Also I am doing a re-run of RDR and RDR Undead Nightmare. IMHO RDR UN should have had PSN/XBL Co-Op at least if not split screen co-op.
  2. http://rghost.net/private/45489172/3f50b85d5a36165ca1fec48b33df718e Hi, I am REALLY new to all this and just tried out Wind Viewer yesterday and noticed it doesn't save Yaz0 files, so I added it from the C++ native code of yaz0enc(credit to this dude http://www.amnoid.de/gc/). Basically you check the Enable Recompression tooltip prior to loading yaz0 files, and then you click save changes as usual. I am willing to do grunt work for gcn game editing utilities so feel free to contact me. Credits to xdaniel and the dude @http://www.amnoid.de/gc
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