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Everything posted by wareya

  1. http://spinout182.com/mqd/s.html / http://spinout182.com/mmde/s.html ?
  2. Assumption: Maybe PJ64's dynarec or interpreter caches things in a way that assumes the code is GCC generated or boot/kernel code, and that option makes it not cache registers in a way that fucks up some human written ASM. I guess that makes it good form to try to avoid using new registers with inlined ASM unless you know how to make it look like GCC code. This is a pretty baseless assumption though.
  3. I don't think that a mask of madness needs seduction to control who wears it. That being said I know nothing for sure other than the fact that Majora has both masculine and feminine traits in different parts of itself. It's pretty androgynous.
  4. Some display lists are overlapped segments. The full deku stick literally contains the broken deku stick, for example. This is one of the situations where UoT would "break".
  5. Makes a scattering spark effect:
  6. What would you expect, more days? You can't really keep a looping paradigm without making their schedules reset, doesn't make much sense. This isn't to say that you need to have scheduled NPCs, though.
  7. My time looping hack doesn't break actors' schedules. I don't know what it does to things that count the number of days, if any. I avoided running the normal "reset to day 1" routine for a reason, though. While it is probably technically possible to run the game without any of its scheduled entities (see: day 4), it's unlikely that a hack working with that would be particularly interesting. Take advantage of the game engine's features, y'know? I would've done a "loop days 1-3" hack but it wasn't feasible for me to figure out how to prevent the end of the world sequence at that time.
  8. Back during the later days of ZSO, we would get "Guys look at this model with a messed up texture!" announcements almost daily
  9. Some interface rambling here. Doing what it's supposed to do, well, is the most important thing; anything else should have be abstracted differently in the interface if it's present. You want to create abstraction away from the internals of the program where it's necessary (because users are using it to mod or hack the /game/, not the tool), and indirection wherever it's necessary to simplify things undestructively (like with the level editors, having input fields for actor data instead of showing a labeled hex string to edit, which is something I take for granted). So, in the context of a level editor again you could include an actor list in by default, and let people see the names of entities human readably (eg "Lake Water" or "Hylian Guard"), but absolutely hiding the number of the actor itself would be bad, because with advanced use letting a user work with the classical abstraction of the actor number would be a good thing. It's a shitty example because it seems really inane and arbitrary but I feel like it's got the right notion. I'll be keeping track of where this goes and give any feedback if I have any, of course.
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