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Everything posted by Netsrac

  1. Together with Tecmo Koei, the creators of the Dynasty Warriors series, Nintendo is working on a new project called Hyrule Warriors for the Wii U. That title is not yet final though, so it might get a new one. It is also not yet known if there are any other playable characters besides Link, or if he'll be playable at all, since there isn't any other info, except for this trailer. PLEASE NOTE: This is not the actual The Legend of Zelda that is supposed to come out for the Wii U in the future, but a spin-off.
  2. So, this guy in my class is the lead guitarist in a band, and I went to one of their gigs in a bar yesterday, and I've gotta say those guys are pretty good. Their lead singer needs more practice though.
  3. I've never had that problem, but I checked out the German Skype community and found something: "1. First of all end the process with task manager. 2.1. Go to Start and type run. Then type in %appdata%\Skype and click OK. Now try finding the shared.xml and move it somewhere else, like the desktop. If that doesn't work end the process again and check out the next step. 2.2. Find the document with the same name as your Skype account and open it. There should be a config.xml file. Move it somewhere else. If that doesn't work end the process again and check out the next step. 3. Move the Skype account folder somewhere and start Skype (the chat protocols won't be available). 4. If none of that worked, uninstall Skype completely." Original Post (in German): http://community.skype.com/t5/Skype-f%C3%BCr-Windows/Skype-sendet-keine-Nachrichten/td-p/264360
  4. I always wanted to see some dual-wielding swords. Low defense, high offense. But not only that, I'd also like to see some abilities like the back slice from TP, that can be level upped.
  5. I know how much you people love Pokémon so I've got nice news for ya'll. Pokémon X and Y each come in a bundle with a 2DS. Sadly though, it's just pre-installed, so you won't have a physical copy of the game and the 2DS's will NOT have a special design, so, sorry all you collectors out there. They're available from today on and will cost about $149.99 in the states. The Y version will only be available in Toys R Us it seems. Both Versions will also be available in Europe today for 149.00€, except for Germany. There it seems, only the X version will be available, but therefore there will be a bundle with Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Both of them will also cost 149.00€. Note: Please correct me if there is any false info.
  6. As somebody who listens to rock/metal, I don't like rap at all. But Eminem has become an exception to me. I've been getting into his music lately, and I think he's written quite a few great songs, like this one:
  7. Netsrac

    Problems with Sketchup.

    You have to triangulate the faces of your model (aka, connecting all the corners with eachother so that there are triangles visible), and group them. Like this: Also, make sure to check this thread out: https://www.the-gcn.com/topic/2033-video-tutorials-to-get-started-and-master-tool-list/?hl=master+tool+list
  8. Son, you've made the right decision. The Pandora Hearts manga is fantastic! <3 I've gotten to chapter 86 and I can't get enough. Danie-boy, you should definately check it out.
  9. I'd say go for it if it isn't too much. Precise work is the best work.
  10. I mainly chose all those classy themes since they're very fitting for LoZ. I mean, all the areas you visit and human-like creatures have a very specific theme, which is also contained within the dungeons. If it wasn't like that, I would maybe mix up lots of things within the dungeons. Or I'd just make one heck of a gigantic dungeon that slowly changes as you progress...
  11. My roster would be: Wind Forest Water Thunder Fire Ice Spirit Paradise Dark World The Mind F*** I think #1 and # 3-7 would be classic and not really worth being mentioned how they would be structured. # 2 and the last three would be somewhat new, especially the paradise styled dungeon. The Paradise would look, well... like a paradise. It'd be an astonishing place, where the player gets easily distracted, and then suddenly realisess that a lot of those nice things in that dungeon would be just traps and camouflaged monsters. The Forest Dungeon would be an actual forest filled with human eating plants and wolfs. It would also have Spirit like enemies. The Dark World would of course have many monsters hiding in the shadows and could only be beaten if the player had a light source with him. The Mind F*** Dungeon would make you go mad with it's moving textures, and weird walls that are sometimes not actual collisions, or moving grounds that suddenly take you to another place than you had planned. It would be filled with Puzzles that are worse than an actual 1000 piece puzzle with really weird pieces and rooms that are weirdly structured. The player would also feel like he's getting stalked, because there's always something hinting into that direction, like stuff breaking right behind him.
  12. I'm a bit late, but welcome to this wonderful place filled with candy, rainbows and tatas! Okay, but seriously, welcome to the GCN. (There are a lot of rainbows here though...)
  13. *pats head* Son, you would love our 2 litre bottles.
  14. Hell yeah! Lets go analyze all the stores around us xD.
  15. REWE also has it? I've only seen Real sell them where I live. Do you live in a bigger town? That would explain why only Real has it here. I'm with ya bro, I don't like the German Dr. Pepper. But most sodas taste differently depending on what continent/country you live in. Fanta for example tastes much more orange-ish in Germany than in Canada, and Sprite contains more sugar in Canada than in Germany. Canadian Sprite is awesome though since it keeps you up all night due to the sugar flash you get after drinking just two bottles, which means you can play more video games ^^.
  16. Looks great, man. I really love what you did so far. Small tipp though, Try to make the textures look a little bigger by re-sizing them, big areas and objects will look better like that, because the textures don't look repetetive. Keep it up!
  17. Pandora's Tower (WII), it's a bit grows, but fun.
  18. Even though I'd like URA to finally die, I don't really care what NekaHikiage does, as long as there isn't a gigantic ruckus in the GCN again, since it seems like there will always be somebody who will try to bring it back. So, good luck on that project.
  19. As a big Kingdom Hearts fan, I am once again happy to give on the news to you people! The Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix has been announced, and will probably be released in 2014. It will be released exclusively for the Playstation 3 and it will contain Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, which is the special edition that came out exclusively in Japan for the Playstation 2, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, which is also the exclusive special edition for Japan that came out for the PSP, and the cinematic cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts RE:coded. And all of that in HD (who would have thought?).
  20. I went on vacation for two weeks and right after that school started again (yay, I'm a 10th grader!!! \^^/), and my laptop broke down... again... that darn thing's kept me from modding for more than 3 months now >.< I guess I'll stick to my cell phone for a while. Also, get well soon JSA.
  21. RIP Mr. Yamauchi and thank you for giving us the chance to play many wonderful games. It would have never been possible without you.
  22. I declare this to be my Hill!
  23. Netsrac

    This or That?

    Books (even though I haven't read one willingly in ages), because everything is left to your imagination. Trains or Trucks?
  24. We are on a Hiatus at the Moment actually. We're a Team of 4 Modders/Modelers, 1 Composer and 1 concept artist. Our Composer wants to get into modding and two of us (myself included) want to get better at it before we Keep on going with this project, since with got a few bigger things planned for it. Please note, the description of this project is somewhat outdated (we seriously have to get our s**t together...). We will update this thread once the script is finaly done.
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