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Everything posted by Ragnarok

  1. You really did pick probably the hardest thing for link to do, he has to go against all the people he cares most about. Even though they have been changed, and it is the right thing to do, I can't even begin to imagine doing anything like what he has to.
  2. After playing through The Last Story, I was disappointed with how many holes there were in the story, so I decided to try and fill some in. This is about Yurrick. "hey Cyclops! if you hide from us, you're gunna hurt our feelings." Yurick looked up and saw the regular bunch of thugs. They called him Cyclops because he always had an eye patch over the eye. most days he would have let them have their way and escaped with a few bruises, but despair was eating at his resolve to keep the power a secret. "Leave me alone." "What was that? If I didn't know better, I'd have thought you talked back to me. You know what happens then don't you?" "Leave me alone!" Yurick was yelling now, trying desperately to control the urge to rip off the thin cloth that was keeping these pathetic bullies alive. "Grab him." The boys rushed towards Yurick, and before he could even attempt to stand, they had him immobilized. "your dad," Dylan, the leader, spat the words. As if he was trying to rid his mind of the thought "abandoned the whole village." "That's a lie!" "The scum knew they where coming. And I think he helped I think he wanted some of the spoils, and helped the pirates plan the attack." Dylan of course, had no idea what he was talking about. He was just saying things he had heard his dad say, and what he knew would upset Yurick the most. "My dad is twelve times braver than yours! He would never run! And he would never consort with pirates!" Dylan punched Yurick's stomach. "You shut up while I'm talking." Yurick and his mother were already on thin ice because of what people thought his father did, but if they knew about him. He had to keep the eye a secrete, if only for his mother's sake. "Now, what about you talking back? We can't let you get away with that." Dylan broke a young branch from a nearby tree. "take his shirt off." Yurick didn't even struggle, this wouldn't be the first time since the rumors had started. Dylan pulled back his arm. "keep his eyes open, both of them. " Panic showed on Yurick's face, which just encouraged the bullies. "No!" "Ha! what happened to your bravado? You are just a Cyclops." Fear lent strength, but there were to many of them. Dylan reached over and pulled off the black scrap from the eye. A dark voice filled Yurick's head, laughing with insanity.
  3. I'm impressed how well you're balancing between tragedy and adventure, with the reader feeling links sadness while still anticipating the next temple.
  4. In chapter three, is Saria armed? It sounded like she blocked the attack, but no weapon or shield is mentioned.
  5. If you're looking for a new creative Nintendo game, I recommend The Last Story. Though it is, not so subtly, very much like Final Fantasy, it features a unique battle system, beautiful art, and is becoming one of my favorite consol games.
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