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Seeing You Again

Shadow Fire

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Some time ago, Jia Long and I had a roleplay that took place in the Sonic X universe, which paired Sonic with Christopher Thorndyke. Two years have passed since Sonic and friends returned to their own world, and Chris is still in despair. His happiness quickly returns one day when, after another episode of being bullied, another boy comes to his rescue. It is Sonic, who has undergone a radical change. Love blossoms, but how much has Sonic truly changed? Be warned, this story is quite large, and will contain an excess of 10,000 words. It has been split into halves. This post will contain the first half. The second half, upon completion, will be posted later.


This fanfiction contains:

  • Shounen'ai (boys in love with other boys)
  • Descriptive sexual content
  • Violence, and descriptive gore
  • Character death


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Seeing You Again



It had been two years since Sonic had left for his own world, leaving Chris behind. Now 15, he was dealing with more than trying to catch up to his hero. School was demanding, and the constant bullying wasn’t helping. Giving a sigh as he walked the halls of the main school building, the auburn-haired boy grimaced as his scuffed cheek throbbed with pain from an earlier incident.



“I’m Sonic... Sonic the Hedgehog!”



The boy whimpered as he remembered how he met the hedgehog he’d become so attached to. Tears began to well in his eyes as Sonic flashed in his mind.



Sonic... I miss you...



Chris let out a loud cry as he was suddenly and harshly pushed into a stack of lockers. Several students, who were gathering their bags to go home, stopped and stared at the scene. One of Chris’ bullies sneered at him as he fell to the ground, his books whizzing across the floor into the lockers beside him.



“Watch where you’re going, Thorndork!” the bully snickered. “You’re a pathetic excuse for a human. When will you learn, huh?”



As the other students stayed back, one stranger moved forward. Clapping a hand on the bully’s shoulder, he let his fingers poke harshly into the skin.



“That isn’t very nice...” the boy hissed. “...telling such lies.”



Turning around, the bully was suddenly met with a strong right hook to his cheek, which sent him flying into the lockers a few feet away from Chris. The other students murmured in surprise, Chris looking up when he heard the newcomer’s voice.



“You’re wrong...” the boy continued. “The pathetic excuse for a human... is you.”



As the bully glared up at him, his eyes suddenly showed pure shock at what he saw. His assailant had azure clothes and hair, his eyes an emerald green. A golden ring was on the boy’s left index finger, and his shoes were a combination of red and white, with a gold buckle at the sides. His ears, unlike those of a conventional human, were animalistic, perched atop his head.



“No...” the bully choked. “That’s impossible!”



Scurrying to his feet, he fled. The newcomer scowled after him, before turning to face down at Chris. Expression softening, he held a hand out, offering to help the other to his feet.



“It’s been far too long...” said the blue-haired boy. “It’s good to see you again, Chris.”



Eyes moistening, Chris choked back sobs as he took the offered hand, and once to his feet, he stared uncertainly at the other boy.



“S-Sonic?” he asked. “I-is that...?”



The other boy gave a warm grin, flashing a thumbs-up. His expression suddenly changed to one of surprise as Chris threw his arms around him.



“Sonic!” the auburn-haired boy yelped, burying his face into the other’s chest. “You’re back! You’re back!”



Sonic gave a smile, returning the embrace, ignoring the surprised gasps of the other students around him. Reaching a hand down to Chris’ chin, he tilted the younger boy’s head upwards, so their eyes met.



“I missed you so much, buddy...” he said softly. “I’m sorry that I had to leave before.”



Chris shook his head, giving a teary smile.



“It doesn’t matter...” the brunet choked out. “What matters is that you’re back... I’ve wanted you to come back for the last two years, but... why are you human now?”



The blue-haired boy paused for a moment, before giving his answer.



“I was given a second chance...” he said, his voice seeming different. “The gods heard my prayers... and I was restored... here, as a human... well, sorta.”



Chris smiled, stepping out of the embrace so he could look Sonic over.



“Well, I’m glad you’re back...” he said, before his smile suddenly faded, taking in what Sonic had said. “Wait... a second chance? From the way you say that, you make it seem like you... died?”



The former hedgehog glanced away, his expression having changed to a sombre one. He took a deep breath and explained.



“It happened two months after I returned...” he said solemnly. “I was killed... by my forgery... one of Eggman’s creations. Metal Sonic... he... he got me when I didn’t expect it. I can still feel the many bits of lead surging through my chest at supersonic speed. In my final moments, I thought of you, and wished to see you again...”



Chris frowned, before reaching down and picking up his books. Once they were in his hands, he glanced back at Sonic solemnly.



“I’m sorry...” he said softly, before giving a slight smile again. “But, you’re back... and you’re staying with me, like before...”



Ears flickering, the former hedgehog gave an amused grin, his hair shimmering gold for a split second before reverting to its natural blue.



“I am, huh?” he chuckled. “You’ve become bolder, Chris. I... like that. Well, I’ve nowhere to stay anyway.”



Chris blushed at Sonic’s words, suddenly finding the floor to be very interesting. Saying nothing, he walked to his nearby locker, opening it and placing his books inside. He had no homework anyway. Finally glancing back at the blue-haired boy, he smiled a little wider.



“We should go...” he said. “Uncle Sam could be waiting.”



The former hedgehog grinned wider upon remembering Sam Speed, and their first encounter. Snapping back to reality, he cast a glance over at Chris once again, before nodding and walking towards the front doors of the building. Chris followed silently, but on the inside, he was overjoyed that Sonic had returned.



“My dream for the future... my dream for the future is to have Sonic stay with me forever!”



The two stopped suddenly when the bully returned, with two of his friends in tow, all carrying baseball bats. Sonic’s eyes narrowed dangerously. The bully glared back at Sonic, his eyes filled with hate.



“You’re a pretty convincing fake...” he hissed venomously. “Still, to hit me when I was... talking with Chris... you’ve gone too far. I’m going to show you that I won’t mess around.”



Raising the bat, he swung it at Chris, who yelped and tried to shield himself, his eyes jamming shut in anticipation of the savage beating he was to receive. But it never came. Opening his eyes, he was just in time to see Sonic’s hair darken, a strange aura surrounding him. The former hedgehog caught the bat mid-swing. With lightning fast moves, he’d yanked the bat out of the bully’s hand, crushing it with ease. Chris watched in shock.



Can this be happening? What is Sonic doing?



The bully’s eyes widened in surprise, and before he knew what was going on, Sonic had once again swung a fist at his face. Unlike last time, this punch had more power behind it. Connecting with his nose, the bully let out a loud yell of pain, blood beginning to gush from his nose. He was sent flying to the ground, landing heavily. His eyes closed, having lost consciousness.



“Let that be a lesson...” Sonic snarled. “Leave Chris alone... If you fuck with him, you suffer...”



The bully’s cronies dropped their bats at once and raced over to him.



“Oh, god!” one yelped. “Karlos, wake up!”



“Call an ambulance!” the other cried out. “Quick!”



Sonic turned to face Chris, his hair reverting to its natural shade, the aura disappearing.



“Chris...” he murmured. “Are you alright?”



Astonished, Chris could only nod. He was about to ask why Sonic flipped out like that, when he suddenly heard a horn being sounded. Glancing over, he saw his uncle sitting in his car, beckoning him. Taking a quick hold of Sonic’s wrist, he raced over towards the car, blinking as Sam stared at the boy he was still holding by the wrist.



“Chris...” he said in confusion. “Are you going to introduce me to your friend?”



Chris released Sonic’s wrist, as the former hedgehog smirked.



“Well, look here...” he teased. “It’s ol’ Sam Slowpoke!”



Sam’s eyes widened, before he composed himself, smirking back at the former hedgehog.



“Sonic?” he chuckled. “Nice new look for you. I guess you’re not as fast anymore... such a pity.”



The blue-haired boy snorted, waggling his finger back and forth.



“You wish...” he muttered. “I’m still as fast as before. But we can discuss this at a later date. I believe Chris wants to go home.”



The auburn-haired male blinked, before giving a sheepish nod, causing Sam ‘Highwest’ Speed to pout.



“Fine...” he scoffed. “Get in the car then. I’m still determined to beat you in a test of speed... my only worthy competition.”



Chris clambered into the car, Sonic sliding in after him. After putting on their safety belts, they were off. The younger male stared at Sonic silently for a moment.



He’s different somehow... But I don’t care. He’s back, and that’s all that matters.



Giving a slight smile, he moved a little closer to the former hedgehog, letting his arms go around the other boy.



“I missed you, Sonic...” he said softly. “I want you to stay here... forever...”



Emerald met sapphire, Sonic giving his own warm smile.



“You have my promise...” the older boy replied. “I’m going to stay... and I’ll protect you.”



The former hedgehog embraced Chris in return, the auburn-haired teen’s cheeks giving a pale pink glow. On the outside, he was smiling. On the inside, he was thinking back to Sonic’s explanation of his death in his own world.



I can’t imagine how it must have felt... to die like that... wanting to be somewhere far away...



Pushing the thoughts away, he let out a soft sigh of content, knowing that Sonic had returned. Some minutes later, Chris was brought out of his thoughts by Sonic’s soft sigh.



“I never thought I’d see this house again...” he murmured. “It looks so different. I can’t wait to see everyone again.”



Sapphire eyes shone happily, taking off his safety belt when the car came to a stop. Taking his off as well, Sonic clambered out, helping Chris out after him. Casting a grin over at Sam, he gave a quick wave.



“I’ll see you around someday, slowpoke...” he chuckled. “I want to see how much faster you think you’ve become.”



Grinning back, the ginger-haired man suddenly gasped as Sonic lifted Chris into his arms and shot towards the house, disappearing in a second.



“Wow...” he breathed, giving a whistle of surprise. “He has improved his speed a bit. I’ve got my work cut out for me. Well, no time to delay. I need to go, and fast. Such is my nature! Ha ha ha!”



Sam hastily drove away, his car vanishing moments later. Inside the mansion, Sonic had already arrived at Chris’ room, thankfully having remembered where it was located. Putting Chris down, his cheeks pinked slightly.



“Sonic...” the younger boy murmured. “Do you like how my room looks now?”



Said former hedgehog was already panning his gaze through the room, taking in the changes. It was a bit similar to how he remembered, although there were a few additions to the auburn-haired boy’s bed. One such addition caught his eye, the blue-haired boy giving a wide grin, before walking over to pick it up.



“A plush-toy?” he asked. “Of... me?”



Chris’ cheeks went bright pink, before glancing away.



“It was... from Ella...” he said softly. “She made it for me, knowing how much I care for you. It’s kept me a little happier, since you weren’t here...”



Sonic’s grin faded, the former hedgehog placing the plush toy back on the bed, before walking back over to Chris. Glancing away for a moment, he took a breath.



“I drowned...” he said softly. “Even though you saved me that night... I drowned. Not from water, but...”



Emerald and sapphire met once again, before the blue-haired male leaned closer, brushing his lips over the other boy’s, Chris’ eyes widening in shock. He remained frozen, Sonic’s actions having surprised him. The older boy pulled away and stared at Chris with determination.



“I came back for you...” he said, voice almost a whisper. “Ever since I left, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. When I returned home after saying goodbye to you, I couldn’t do anything. Just like you said about me leaving you, it turned out to be true... for me.”



Drawing Chris into an embrace, he leaned closer to the other boy’s ear.



“What I’m saying...” he continued, whispering. “...is that I love you, Chris.”



Eyes widening a little more, Chris began to cry, causing Sonic to pull back in alarm.



“Chris!” he murmured. “I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just...”



“I never thought you’d feel the same...” the younger boy choked out. “I always thought I’d carry a one-sided, impossible love for you for the rest of my life... but now... Sonic...”



It was Sonic’s turn for shock, as Chris threw his arms around the older boy’s neck, leaning up a bit to capture Sonic’s lips with his own. Though shocked, the former hedgehog wasted no time in reciprocating, his arms draping around Chris’ waist. When the kiss broke moments later, both boys were lost in the other’s gaze.



“Sonic...” the auburn-haired boy mumbled. “I wish I could have gone with you. Maybe... you wouldn’t have died... and been alone like that.”



Sonic shook his head solemnly.



“No, Chris...” he said, holding the other boy protectively. “If you were there, he’d have tried to kill you too. He killed everyone. Nobody’s left on my world... not even Eggman.”



The former hedgehog’s eyes moistened after admitting this, and he turned his gaze away slightly, chest hurting. Reaching a hand up, he unbuttoned the top three buttons, revealing several faint scars on his chest. Chris gaped at them, suddenly feeling really sad.



“Oh, Sonic...” he whimpered, gingerly tracing soft fingers over the scars. “I’m so sorry...”



Leaning down, the auburn-haired male pressed soft kisses to the scars, the emerald-eyed boy blushing.



“Chris...” he purred. “You don’t have to...”



The younger boy didn’t heed Sonic’s words, continuing to ghost kisses over the scars, before moving back up to Sonic’s lips. Sonic kissed back fervently, suddenly finding himself falling forwards. Chris had dropped back onto his bed, his arms still around Sonic, causing the former hedgehog to go down with him.



“I won’t... give him to you... I won’t... give him... to anyone else. My... my one and only... Sonic. Sonic... will be together with me, forever!”



Chris gave a soft whimper of delight, remembering his words to Eggman when E-99 had almost killed Sonic. As Sonic pulled out of the kiss, the brunet let his fingers run lovingly through the other’s hair.



“Sonic...” he breathed softly. “I love you so much...”



The blue-haired boy smiled, not moving from his position, gazing down at the younger male.



“I love you too, Chris...” he murred. “I promise... I’ll stay with you... and protect you.”



Chris was about to reply, when a knock sounded at his door. Ella patiently waited for Chris to allow her in, before entering. Noticing the other boy perched atop Chris, the maid raised an eyebrow.



“Young master...” she said, placing her hands on her hips. “I’m sure your mother would not like to see you like this, especially with an unfamiliar boy.”



Sonic cast a grin, flickering his ears. Upon noticing, Ella took a step back in surprise.



“It can’t be true!” she gasped. “Is that... Master Sonic? It is good to see you again!”



Chris blushed deeply, keeping his arms around the older boy.



“Yes, Ella...” he said softly. “He came back... to be with me.”



The maid gave a wide grin, eyes gleaming.



“It is nice that you came back for the young master...” she said to Sonic. “He’s been so lost without you. Having you back will restore some light to his life. Anyway, I just wanted to know... what did you wish to have for dinner, young master? Master Sonic?”



Casting a glance to Chris, the emerald-eyed boy shrugged, indicating he didn’t mind what he had.



“Just...” he warned. “As long as it isn’t cat food, okay?”



The young Thorndyke facepalmed. He knew Sonic would never let him live that down. Shaking his head, he glanced over at Ella.



“Lemon Pepper Chicken, please Ella...” he said softly. “I’m kinda craving it...”



The former hedgehog nearly began drooling. He’d almost forgotten about that particular delicacy. With an adorable puppy-dog face, he looked over at Ella, nodding. The maid chuckled, before heading out to the kitchen. Chris glanced back at Sonic, before pulling the other boy back atop him. The older male gave a yelp of surprise, although he composed himself quickly with a grin. Understanding what the younger wanted, he leaned down and pressed their lips together.



“Sonic...” the auburn haired boy breathed when Sonic pulled back a few moments later. “I love you.”



The former hedgehog gave a slight smile, moving closer and positioning his lips next to the other boy’s ear.



“I love you too...” he said softly. “I will... beyond eternity.”



Sonic changed position, so he was now laying beside Chris. Gently, he brought the younger boy into his embrace. The two laid together for some time, until dinner was ready. With a smile, Sonic stood up, lifting Chris up with him. Keeping a hold of his hand, the former hedgehog walked down the stairs and to the dining room, Chris keeping up. As they sat down to eat, Sonic noticed Lindsay sitting nearby.



“Good evening, ma’am...” the former hedgehog said, bowing his head slightly. “It’s good to see you again.”



Lindsay smiled back, nodding.



“Good to see you too, Sonic...” she said softly. “I hope your stay here won’t be too short.”



Casting a reassuring glance to Chris, who seemed to tense up at his mother’s words, the blunet leaned closer and pressed a gentle kiss to the other boy’s lips, before turning to face Lindsay once again, eyes showing determination.



“I’m staying for good...” he replied. “I’ll always stay... for Chris.”



The woman’s smile seemed to widen slightly, before she nodded. However, before she could say anything else, Ella came in with plates that were stacked with steaming noodles with Lemon Pepper Chicken. They began to eat, Sonic’s mouth still watering from the anticipation. After a few minutes, Lindsay, who was watching her son with some worry spoke up.



“Chris...” she said. “Honey... are you okay? You look a little paler than usual.”



Glancing up at his mother, the auburn-haired boy forced a smile.



“I guess so...” he said softly. “I should be fine. I don’t feel that sick at all, really.”



Chris was glad his mother was able to stay around the house more often, although in a way, he wished she wasn’t so observant. She’d be able to tell if he’d been bullied, or if he felt sick. Suddenly, he felt Sonic squeeze his hand gently.



“Don’t worry, ma’am...” the former hedgehog said. “I’ll take care of him. I’ll see that he gets his rest.”



The brunet smiled, squeezing Sonic’s hand back. Lindsay nodded, giving her own smile. As they continued to eat, Chris suddenly stopped.



Maybe spicy food wasn’t such a good idea...



Excusing himself, the boy raced off to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Bracing himself up, Chris stared at his reflection in the mirror. A ghostly pale figure stared back at him. Taking a few breaths, he reached for the medicine cabinet.



I’m such an idiot! I should have taken this sooner!



Picking up some medicine, he took a few breaths, before popping a couple of capsules into his mouth, reaching for the faucet. Before he could touch it, he heard a knock at the door.



“Chris...” Sonic’s worried voice floated in. “I brought you a glass of fresh water.”



In spite of himself, Chris couldn’t help smiling slightly. Unlocking the door, he opened it weakly, letting Sonic in. The former hedgehog held the glass firmly, looking into Chris’ eyes with worry.



“What happened, Chris?” he mumbled. “This isn’t like you...”



The auburn haired boy took the glass from Sonic, drinking the water the former hedgehog had brought to him. After swallowing, the capsules being washed down, he cast a glance at his beloved.



“I was... in an accident...” he said softly. “I don’t want to explain exactly what happened... but it messed with my immune system. If I don’t take this medication, I’ll get really sick.”



Giving a worried look, Sonic slowly lifted Chris into his arms.



“I’m taking you to bed...” the former hedgehog mumbled. “You should rest. Don’t worry... I’ll be with you.”



Chris made no objections as the blue-haired boy carried him upstairs. Upon arrival in his room, Chris glanced over at his pyjamas, which were laying folded on his pillow, next to another pair of pyjamas. Sonic raised an eyebrow, before smiling. Placing Chris on the bed, he lifted the younger boy’s pyjamas into his arms, before slowly undressing the other. Cheeks going pink, Chris was silenced by the shake of his love’s head.



“Only I can see you...” he chuckled softly. “Only I am permitted... but for now... I will not do anything other than help you into your jammies.”



The auburn-haired boy remained silent, still blushing as his older boyfriend dressed him. Now in pyjamas, he gave a soft squeak as Sonic, still in his full clothes, sans shoes, laid down next to him, taking him in his arms.



“Chris...” he whispered. “You can sleep. I will be here.”



The auburn haired boy nodded, closing his eyes, falling asleep within moments. The former hedgehog held his younger lover closer. Letting his own eyes close for a moment, he opened them again, suddenly gasping as he found himself standing, looking across a playground.



“What?” he choked out. “What is this?”



From where he was, he noticed a slightly younger Chris staring sadly at a picture. Figuring he must be dreaming, Sonic shook his head and smiled, taking a few steps forward, but suddenly stopped as he noticed Karlos and his lackeys approaching. Karlos snatched the picture away from Chris, giving a wide smirk.



“Pathetic...” he snickered, looking at the picture. “Thorndyke, you really are desperate... falling for one who can’t possibly love you back...”



Tears had already begun to stream from his eyes, the auburn-haired teen trying in vain to get his drawing back. Sonic noticed that the drawing was a lifelike rendition of him, in his hedgehog form.



“I... I don’t care...” Chris whimpered. “Just... give it back to me, please!”



Eyes widening, Sonic took a step back.



Could this be... a memory?



With a scoff, one of Karlos’ lackeys pushed Chris, causing him to fall into a puddle of water, soaking him over. The Thorndyke slowly sat up and shivered, but said nothing.



“Why would he love you?” his assailant laughed cruelly. “He’s got Amy. Besides, even if he does prefer guys, he has his choice of Knuckles or Tails... or any of the other guys that could be in his world.”



Chris let out a muffled sob, not making a move at all.



“I don’t care...” he choked out. “Just let me have my picture...”



The three bullies smirked at each other, before Karlos approached. Taking a breath, his smirk widened as he suddenly backhanded Chris on the cheek, sending him down again. Sonic raced over to Karlos and tried to attack, but found himself passing through the boy as if he wasn’t even there.




You’re going to pay for that...



Shaking his head, the master bully just sneered down at the weakened boy.



“Fine...” he snorted. “Have your stupid picture, you fucking faggot...”



With those words, he dropped the drawing, walking away with his lackeys. Chris sat up just in time to see it land in the water, his choked sobs becoming more audible as he tried to salvage it. The water had already soaked the paper, making it very soggy. Glancing at it, he noticed it seemed to have a water-colour effect which really brought out the green in Sonic’s eyes. The auburn-haired teen gave a sad smile, before starting to cry openly as the paper began to crumble.






The former hedgehog’s heart began to break at seeing his love like this, with nothing he could have done to stop it. Reaching down, he slowly reached out, letting his hand rest beside Chris’ cheek. Moments later, his vision faded. Opening his eyes again, Sonic found himself back in Chris’ bed, next to his sleeping lover. A deep rage suddenly filled him.



I can stop this from continuing...



Standing up slowly, Sonic stared down at his beloved, clenching his hands into fists.



For this injustice, I will avenge you...



Leaning down to kiss his younger boyfriend, Sonic stood again, closing his eyes to scan for energy. Suddenly scowling, he clenched his fists tighter and vanished. Moments later, Chris stirred.



“Sonic?” he murmured weakly. “Where did you go?”



There was no answer for him, the boy unable to sleep without Sonic’s comforting embrace. Little did he realise just what the former hedgehog was about to do. Meanwhile, in an abandoned playground on the other side of Station Square, Sonic reappeared, glancing around.



I could sense them here... all of them...



Suddenly, he heard voices nearby. Whirling around, he began to stalk off in the direction of the voices, giving an angry growl as he saw the owners of the voices.



“Karlos...” one of the bully’s lackeys said. “Maybe you should back off a bit. That guy did break your nose and knock you out, after all...”



Karlos glared at the recommendation, his hands balling into fists. He was about to say something, when he suddenly noticed someone approaching from the corner of his eye. Squinting, he suddenly stood up, his glare darkening.



“You son of a bitch!” he hissed at the approaching blunet. “Look at what you did to me!”



Sonic continued approaching, saying nothing. Suddenly, he stopped, getting surrounded by the three bullies. A sinister grin came to his face.



“That’s nothing...” the former hedgehog purred. “...compared to what I’m going to do to you now... I can’t let you hurt Chris any longer. He belongs to me, and I will protect him with my life.”



Karlos snickered, before sneering at Sonic.



“Really?” the bully shot back. “Because... there is three of us, and only one of you... and the odds don’t seem stacked in your favour.”



Sonic lowered his gaze to the ground, giving his own snickers. They stopped when the lackey behind him piped up.



“Yeah...” he laughed. “...and once we’ve beaten your sorry ass, we’ll make Chris experience a pain like none other.”



Hands balling tighter, Sonic’s hair suddenly darkened, and began to move as if it were blowing in the breeze. A strange aura surrounded him, his eyes going a piercing grey. Raising his glance, he gave a wide smirk to Karlos, before turning to face the laughing bully, slamming his fist into the boy’s chest with lightning speed. His victim’s eyes went wide with shock, blood pouring from his mouth. Staring down, he noticed that Sonic’s fist had gone right through his chest. The former hedgehog quickly ripped his fist away, smirking in satisfaction at the large hole he’d made. His victim made strange gurgling sounds before dropping to the ground, unmoving.



“Nice...” he purred in a sinister voice that wasn’t his own. “Well, it’s your turn now...”



Giving an evil smirk to the other lackey, Sonic suddenly vanished. The two remaining boys looked around in horror. As the second lackey turned to face his dead friend, he suddenly felt a sharp pain through his chest. Looking down, he noticed a bloodied hand had gone right through, and was holding something.



My... heart...



His eyes quickly glazed over, even before Sonic withdrew his hand, dropping to the ground once the former hedgehog had done so. Casting a glare at Karlos, he quickly crushed the heart in his hand.



“Now...” the darkened boy growled. “Prepare to lose it all. Such is the penalty for all who dare to hurt the one I love...”



Karlos’ eyes were widened with terror. He took a step backward, shaking his head, unable to speak. Sonic simply scowled.



“Chris is mine!” he snarled. “I’ll see to it that you never fuck with him again! DIE!”



The terrified bully turned and began to run. Snorting, Sonic vanished again, reappearing in Karlos’ path. Before any reaction could be given from the bully, Sonic’s hand swung out for the top of his head. Grabbing him by the hair, he let his hand keep moving.



“NOOOOOO!” Karlos screamed. “Please! Don’t do th-...”



His words were cut off as he felt a sharp pain through his neck and then, nothing at all. His body fell to the ground, his severed head still in Sonic’s hand, eyes still wide with horror. A malicious smirk came to the former hedgehog’s face.



“Such is your fate...” he hissed. “Chris won’t be tormented by you ever again.”



Pulling back his foot, Sonic dropped the head, slamming a powerful kick into it. The head flew towards a barbed wire fence, hitting it with such force that it exploded on impact, sending blood and greyish-pink jelly everywhere, Sonic getting covered in it. His smirk fading, Sonic closed his eyes.



“Chris...” he mumbled. “My revenge for your behalf... has been granted.”



The former hedgehog disappeared, leaving the scene of the massacre. Back at Chris’ house, the auburn-haired boy was sitting up in bed, worried about Sonic.



Could this have been a dream? Could it just be my fever? Sonic... did I only imagine his return?



Before the boy could think about it any further, Sonic reappeared. His hair still dark, he glanced over at Chris, before giving a smile.



“You’re awake...” he said softly. “I hope you’re feeling a little better, Chris.”



The younger boy didn’t answer, instead staring in shock at Sonic’s changed form, as well as all the mess that covered him.



“Sonic...” he whimpered. “W-what happened?”



Sonic’s gaze pierced into Chris’, cold grey eyes meeting with uncertain sapphire. His smile not fading, Sonic turned to face the bathroom that was attached to the brunet’s room.



“I punished them...” he said softly. “They won’t hurt you anymore. I took revenge... for you. I will need to shower. I have to clean up.”



As Sonic walked away, his hair and eyes reverting to their natural colours, Chris watched in silence. His eyes appeared to tremble.



Sonic... did you... please... you didn’t... did you?



He suddenly heard the sound of running water, the former hedgehog having turned on the shower. Sonic had undressed himself and stepped under the hot jet-stream. He gave a soft sigh as the residue from his bloody encounter with Karlos and his lackeys was washed from him.



They’re gone... Chris, you’ll be safe... I’ll protect you...



Back in his room, Chris silently stood. His mind was abuzz with conflicted morality.



Sonic killed them? That’s horrible... he’s changed so much. But then again, he did it... for me. It doesn’t make it right... but... Sonic, I love you too much to worry about this.



Slowly, Chris headed for the bathroom. As he entered, he noticed that Sonic’s eyes were closed, his head under the hot stream of water. Giving a soft blush at seeing his beloved exposed like this, the auburn-haired teen quickly undressed, before stepping into the shower. Slowly, he moved behind Sonic and draped his arms around the former hedgehog.



“Sonic...” he murmured softly. “I hope I can join you.”



The blue-haired teen turned around, giving a wide grin, his own cheeks having gone pink.



“Chris...” he purred. “Of course you can. It’s nice to have your company.”



Sonic suddenly found his back pressed against the wall, Chris having gently backed him into it. The brunet leaned close and let his lips press to the older boy’s. His arms still around Sonic, he pressed closer.



“I want you...” the younger boy whispered, tracing kisses all over the other boy’s body. “Right here... right now.”



Giving a soft moan, the older boy buried his face in the nape of his lover’s neck, ravishing it with kisses and soft bites. Chris gave an impish smile, reaching down to gently grasp the blunet’s package in his hand.



“This...” he continued. “I want to feel it... inside me...”



The former hedgehog let out a gasp of pleasure, before grabbing Chris by the shoulders, spinning him around and pinning him to the wall. As the hot stream of water washed over them, Sonic began to purr with desire.



“If that is what you wish...” he chuckled. “I will make Chris mine...”



Spreading his legs, the brunet looked up at Sonic, giving a wider smile.



“Now...” he demanded. “Just fill me...”



Giving a pleasured growl, the former hedgehog gave in to his younger boyfriend’s wishes, placing himself at Chris’ rear entrance, before pushing his way inside. Moving his head back slightly, Chris gave a soft gasp as he felt himself being stretched apart. Sonic kept moving, too consumed with what he was doing to want to stop. The younger male leaned forward slightly and slammed his lips to Sonic’s, to muffle any moans the older boy may drive from him.



Sonic... make me yours...



Sonic began thrusting, forcing his tongue into his younger lover’s mouth. This brought a muffled moan from the Thorndyke, his cheeks pink as he wrestled his older lover’s tongue with his own. He knew he probably shouldn’t have been doing something so strenuous, but something about Sonic’s change excited him. To feel so close to the one he wanted for so long was all he dreamed of, so he was going to be fucking selfish.



Sonic... I don’t think I’ll last much longer...



The former hedgehog’s speed increased, and within moments, his hair began to shine a radiant gold, eyes becoming a deep crimson. Even without the Chaos Emeralds, the gods had been kind enough to infuse him with Chaos Energy that would aid in such an increase in power. His thrusts increasing in intensity, he the now golden-haired boy pulled away from the kiss, giving a feral snarl, sinking his teeth into Chris’ neck. While he wasn’t expecting such a thing, Chris still enjoyed the pain, letting out a loud howl of pleasure as he was sent over the edge, his essence rushing out and coating their abdomens.



“Chris...” the former hedgehog growled. “I’m about to... ungh! Ah!”



His cock gave violent spasms, before shooting its load deep inside the brunet’s body. As he came down from his peak, he gave a sated smile, his pride slipping from between his lover’s thighs. The water slowly washed the mess away, but Sonic was too focused on staring into Chris’ eyes to care.



“I love you...” he purred softly. “...my Chris.”



The auburn-haired boy slipped his arms around the older boy’s neck, leaning in with his own satisfied smile.



“I love you too, Sonic...” he replied, letting his lips ghost over Sonic’s. “I always will.”



Sonic moved forward that little bit necessary to let their lips actually meet. The last of their semen washing from them, the former hedgehog reached for the tap, turning the water off. Holding Chris close, he summoned his inner power, his hair blowing upwards, an aura surrounding the two boys. Within a couple of seconds, they were both dry. Moments later, the two vanished, reappearing in Chris’ room by the bed. With a smile, Sonic reached down for the bed sheets and lifted them to the side.



“After you...” he said softly. “We sleep together... like this.”



Blushing, Chris nodded, clambering under the sheets, the former hedgehog climbing in after him. Arms wrapping around each other, both boys stared into each other’s eyes, before giving each other a sleepy kiss. For the first time in two years, Chris fell asleep with a smile. His older boyfriend closed his eyes, falling asleep moments later, his hair returning to its natural blue.



To be concluded...

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Chris woke up the next morning to see eyes staring at him. Recognising their emerald hue, he gave a smile, reaching up to cup his lover's cheek.

"Good morning, Sonic..." he said softly. "I was a little worried... that your return was just a dream. I'm glad you're really back."

The former hedgehog chuckled, before leaning down and pressing his lips to the younger boy's. Pulling away moments later, his smile widened slightly.

"Yes..." he purred. "I told you. I'm staying here, with you."

Giving a soft whimper, Chris sat up slightly, to wrap his arms around Sonic and pull him down atop him, wrapping his legs around the older boy's waist.

"Good..." the brunet said, an impish grin appearing. "I don't want to let you go."

The emerald-eyed boy's lips curled into a warm smile, leaning down to gently brush his lips over Chris'. Pulling away, his smile widened slightly, reaching a hand down, cupping the younger boy's cheek gently.

"You're beautiful..." he murmured. "Absolutely beautiful."

Giving a deep blush, Chris felt moisture sting his eyes.

"Do you... really think so?" he asked, voice uncertain. "But..."

The former hedgehog shook his head and quickly captured the brunet's lips once again, silencing his protests. Pulling back again, he once again gave his warm smile, resting his forehead against the auburn-haired teenager's.

"You are beautiful..." the blue-haired boy assured. "Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Now, is there anything you wanted to do today? Anyplace you wish to go?"

Chris thought for a moment, before giving a soft mumble of affirmation.

"Yes..." he murmured. "I want to go to the lake... Crystal Lake."

A small smile came to the former hedgehog's face as he remembered his visit there with Helen, all that time ago.

"There's somewhere I haven't shown anyone..." he whispered into Chris' ear. "It's beautiful, and I'm sure only I have been there."

Chris blushed, snuggling against his beloved, giving a nod.

"Sure..." he murmured. "I'd love to see it. It'll be our special place."

The former hedgehog smiled, and slowly clambered out of bed, putting his new clothes on. The brunet followed suit, picking up a bottle of his medication and placing it in his pocket. Moments later, both were fully clothed, sans shoes. But Sonic had other ideas. Lifting the other into his arms, he swiftly shot downstairs, heading outside and dashing off to the lake, Chris cuddling closely to Sonic's chest. The younger male gave a slight smile as he saw the scenery shoot past.

Going at supersonic speed with him... it always felt so good to be in his arms.

It only took minutes for Sonic to arrive at the lake, slowing to a halt, before placing his beloved back on the ground. Glancing around, he smiled.

"I'm the only one who's been here..." he purred. "It's isolated, totally isolated."

Chris' cheeks turned a deep red, and he nuzzled into the former hedgehog's neck, lifting a foot to brush it over the top of Sonic's, their bare skin sensually brushing against each other. Moving his head so he was gazing into Sonic's eyes, the sapphire-eyed boy gave a joyed smile, before leaning in. Anticipating the action, the blue-haired male closed the distance between them, letting their lips touch, their tongues dancing sensually. The two broke away moments later, panting heavily.

"My, my..." Sonic murmured. "You really do take my breath away."

This caused Chris to blush even harder, but he started to take Sonic's shirt off, exposing the former hedgehog's toned abdominals. Tracing his hand over the muscles, Chris let out a soft purr-like sound.

"Sonic..." he said softly, his blush darkening. "...I want to..."

Glancing over at the water, he gave a sly smile. Sonic caught on instantly and grinned impishly.

"You want us to make love here..." he said, stating rather than asking. "I would love that too, but this time..."

Trailing off, he leaned towards Chris' ear again.

"Chris..." he whispered seductively. "I want you to take me this time..."

The look on Chris' face was priceless, especially as Sonic suddenly nibbled on his ear lobe, causing the younger to give a soft moan. Composing himself, Chris gave a soft growl, and began to remove Sonic's pants, before removing his own clothes. Placing them down together, he took Sonic's hand and led him over to the water. He was glad that he'd taught Sonic how to swim just before he left for his own world, not that it really mattered anyway, because the blue-haired boy would be leaning back against the bank of the lake. Slowly, he lowered himself into the water, shivering at how cool it was, before helping his lover in after him. His green-eyed heartthrob smiled as he was helped into the water, his smile becoming a soft gasp at the water's temperature.

"Wow..." he murmured. "It's cold... it'll warm up. So... is there any specific way you want me to be?"

Chris didn't speak a response, merely opting to grin and pull Sonic to him, before positioning him so that his back was against the lake bank. Reaching a hand down, he cupped Sonic's arousal in his hand and gave soft, encouraging strokes. The former hedgehog moaned.

"Chris!" he gasped. "Th-that's teasing!"

"Isn't it just?" the brunet countered, placing his lips by his love's ear. "You enjoy it though..."

Sonic chuckled and leaned back as his younger lover moved the hand to his entrance, teasing it with his fingers, before slowly pushing one in. The blue-haired male gasped at the intrusion, but kept his gaze focused squarely on Chris, wanting to see every beautiful expression his boyfriend made. Suddenly, Chris added a second finger, causing the older male to moan. Scissoring around his love's insides, it wasn't long before he added a third finger, making Sonic grin.

"Not wasting any time, I see..." he teased. "You are impatient..."

Blushing sheepishly, Chris nodded, taking a little more time in preparation, before removing his fingers. Moving closer to the former hedgehog, he positioned his arousal, before slowly pushing it inside the blue-haired boy. Both teens closed their eyes as pleasure hit them at once. A soft growl came from the Thorndyke's throat, making Sonic open his eyes and grin.

He's sure of what he wants... and not afraid to voice his feelings. My Chris...

His thoughts were interrupted as the younger began moving, slowly moving out, then thrusting back into the former hedgehog's rear, keeping a constant rhythm. The blue-haired male gave a groan of pleasure, his eyes widening as he felt a hand wrap around his member. It was then that he saw his beloved's lusty grin. The auburn-haired boy increased the tempo of his thrusting, pumping the older boy's pride in time with his thrusts.

"Chris..." the former hedgehog moaned. "...Faster... not gonna last much longer..."

Impishly, Chris did the opposite, and slowed down, though only for a few moments, and suddenly, he was driving into his beloved at speeds that made even the supersonic boy feel impressed. Once again, Chris noticed as the older male's hair began to flicker gold, before glowing that beautiful radiance of his super form, his eyes shining deep crimson. Suddenly, both boys let out shudders as they reached their peak in unison, Chris' seed spilling into his beloved. As his own release spilled, Sonic once again shot his head forward, driving his teeth into the other side of his love's neck, providing a matching set of fang marks.

"Sonic..." the brunet gasped out. "...feel so good..."

Pulling away from his love's neck, the former hedgehog gave a sated grin, whimpering slightly as Chris' softening member slipped out of him. He felt a little empty, but at the same time...

Fuck... he really knew what buttons to push...

Pressing a chaste kiss to his love's lips, Sonic pulled away a few moments later to stare into his eyes.

"Is there..." he panted. "...anywhere else you wanted to go? Anything else you wanted to do?"

Chris thought for a moment, before giving a slight grin.

"Well..." the younger boy began. "Once we clean up, maybe we can see Danny, Frances and Helen? I'm sure they'd like to see you again!"

The super charged male gave his own grin, remembering the trio well. Slowly, he began to clean himself off, before starting on Chris. After they were cleaned, Sonic hoisted himself out of the water, before helping his beloved out. It was then that Chris realised that Sonic hadn't brought any towels with them, and he wondered how they'd dry off. That was until the former hedgehog used his aura to dry the two of them off.

"Oh, right..." he chuckled sheepishly. "I forgot you could do that."

Flashing his trademark grin, Sonic let his eyes close, letting out a soft breath as his aura faded, his hair returning to its usual blue. Opening his eyes once more, he reached down and lifted up their clothes. The boys both dressed themselves silently, but kept gazing into one another's eyes. Once they were dressed, Sonic lifted Chris into his arms, placing a gentle kiss on the boy's cheek. The brunet wrapped his arms around his older love's neck, giving a soft yelp as Sonic suddenly dashed off, back to Station Square, where he'd sensed his friends' energy.

I wish he'd have warned me...

Meanwhile, in Station Square, Danny and Frances were having a friendly game of one-on-one basketball, with Helen trying not to giggle at her friends' antics.

"Hey!" she called out. "Are you two done acting like little kids yet?"

Frances stopped trying to grab the ball from Danny, turning to her wheelchair bound friend.

"I dunno..." the red-haired girl shrugged. "It depends... if Danny's ready to surrender or not..."

The dark-skinned male smirked and jumped back.

"Nope!" he laughed, shaking his head. "Never!"

Both Frances and Helen gave a soft sigh. Danny poked his tongue out playfully and began laughing, only to yelp in surprise and drop the ball as an enormous gust of wind zapped past him.

"What the-?!" he cried out, reaching down and grabbing the ball. "Are you guys okay? What the heck was that?"

Helen and Frances seemed a little shaken, but otherwise fine. They could only nod, but suddenly jumped when they heard the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"Hey..." the voice said. "Long time no see, guys."

The three turned their heads, all of them letting out an excited cheer when they saw Chris. Their expressions changed to confusion when they saw their friend being held in the arms of someone they hadn't seen before.

"Chris?" Helen said suddenly, brushing some hair from her face. "Who's this guy?"

Giving a proud smile, Chris jumped down from Sonic's arms.

"Guys..." he began. "You'll think me crazy, but this... is Sonic."

Sonic gave his trademark grin and thumbs up, uttering a soft snicker as the other three gaped in shock. Glancing at Chris, he gestured over at the other three.

"Well..." he said softly. "Seems like I'm not the only one who hasn't seen them in some time, huh?"

Helen smiled, shaking her head.

"Don't be hard on him for it..." she assured him. "After all, Chris goes to a different school now."

Frances and Danny nodded.

"Yeah..." the red-haired girl agreed, snatching the ball from Danny, who gave a cry of protest. "Plus... there's the medication he always needs to take. Because he's sick, he can't stay out, or up too late."

Sonic kept his gaze on Chris as Frances explained about the illness that the brunet suffered. Remembering the medication, he gave a slight frown.

I wonder why he gets so sick. He never used to.

Noticing Chris glance back at him, the former hedgehog gave a slight smile, before moving close to his beloved, cupping his cheek with a hand and pressing his lips to the younger boy's. This act earned a cheer from Frances.

"Aha!" she exclaimed. "I knew it! They really DO have feelings for each other!"

Helen clapped her hands together, while Danny gave a mock gagging gesture. Sonic pulled out of the kiss a few moments later, chuckling at his beloved, who had just gone pink-faced. Frances gave soft giggles.

"Well..." she laughed. "We've had our sappiness for today. Anyway, I'm sure I speak for these two here when I say... we're wondering what happened. How did you come back, and how did you turn human?"

The former hedgehog's expression changed instantly and everyone noticed. The tense way he took Chris' hand made the others realise that something terrible must have happened. But before Frances could take back her question, the blunet gave a soft sigh.

"I'm all that remains..." he said solemnly. "Nobody else is alive. All murdered, by a creation of Eggman's, which even turned on him. I was the last... to die. But before I died, I begged to have another chance... a chance to fix the mistake I should never have made. My prayers were heard, and I was taken... reformed on Chikyuu-sei, to be where my heart always was... to be with Chris."

The others felt a little sadness at Sonic's story, though Danny breathed a sigh of relief. As everyone else stared at him, he blinked, lowering his glance to the ground, before touching his index fingers together.

"I, uh..." he mumbled in embarrassment. "...thought Sonic might have been a ghost."

Staring wide-eyed at the dark-skinned boy, Sonic suddenly erupted into fits of laughter. Danny gave a soft sigh, causing everyone else to start laughing. Suddenly, Chris stopped laughing, seeming to freeze up.

"Chris!" a boy's voice called out. "Is that you?"

A young boy came running over, stopping a few feet away from Chris. Sonic stared at this boy. He was wearing dark clothing, his dark amethyst eyes enhancing the dark bags that were underneath them. Clearly, this boy did not sleep much. His pitch black hair messily framed his face, the boy flicking his ponytail up onto his right shoulder.

"Damn..." the boy continued. "It's been months since I've seen you. Y'know... not since your parents had you change schools "˜n' all. You're still as cute as you were back then."

Sonic raised an eyebrow at this guy calling his boyfriend cute. But before he could get a word out, he watched as Frances growled and threw the ball at the newcomer, though he caught it rather easily. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Get out of here, Alex..." she hissed. "You're not welcome around us, and you're most certainly not welcome around Chris!"

Alex shrugged, before noticing Sonic. The way Chris seemed to be close to him made the goth-punk frown. Holding the ball in one hand, he pointed at Sonic with the other.

"You..." he demanded. "Who the hell are you? I don't recall seeing you before."

The blunet gave a slight grin.

"I can imagine you've heard of me..." he replied. "Name's Sonic. What business have you here?"

Alex's eyes widened slightly, before a wide smirk came to his face.

"Pretty impressive..." he laughed. "But you're just a wannabe."

Sonic raised his other eyebrow. He'd never been called a wannabe before. However, Frances was quick to defend him.

"He's the real deal, Alex!" she countered. "He's not some no-hope punk like you."

Alex shot a glare over to the girl, before pegging the ball back at her. She managed to catch it, just in time, but the sheer force and unexpected act caused her to fall on her rear. She let out a cry of pain as she hit the ground, and to this, the punk gave a satisfied smile. Sonic clenched a hand into a fist.

"Bastard!" he hissed. "What the hell did you do that for?"

Alex shrugged, looking nonchalant. Danny growled, before helping the girl up.

"Thanks..." she whimpered. "I'll be okay... it just... surprised me."

Sonic moved in front of Chris, eyes narrowing more. His hair began to darken. Chris noticed this and reached for his love's hand. Turning to face the brunet, the former hedgehog suddenly blinked, seeing the desperation in his eyes.

"Please, Sonic..." he begged. "Don't... Alex isn't... he's not really a bad guy... he's just..."

If Sonic had a third eyebrow, he'd have raised it. Blinking once more at his beloved, he tilted his head to the side, confused, hair reverting to its original blue.

"He was there for me..." Chris continued. "After you left... and I started getting bullied. He was the one of the only people who understood me... didn't ridicule me for being gay."

Alex huffed, his own eyes narrowing.

"I pieced him back together..." he growled at Sonic. "After you left... after you filled him with despair. If you hadn't left like you did, Chris wouldn't have had to bear the burden the way he had..."

"No!" Chris interrupted, stepping out from behind Sonic, letting go of his hand. "That isn't fair, Alex!"

Alex whipped his head to the side. He seemed deeply upset and angry.

"So what?" he countered. "Chris, if he stayed, you wouldn't have been in that accident. You never would have become hypothermic... would never have almost died... It's his fault you're now forced to take that fucking medicine, just to keep up the levels of your white blood cells!"

Chris was stunned that Alex still blamed Sonic for his condition. The former hedgehog on the other hand, was so shocked, he took a few staggered steps backwards.

"So..." he choked out. "...that's why..."

Alex shot another glare at Sonic, his own hands balled into fists.

"Yes..." he snarled. "It's your fault. I was the only one Chris had that knew what he was feeling. I helped him get through it... I fell in love with him, wanted that same love in return... but he still pined for you."

Chris gave a whimper and took a hold of Sonic's hand once again, hoping to comfort him. The former hedgehog's eyes went wide as his view changed. He suddenly saw a slightly younger Chris walking in the direction of his house, looking all solemn.

Is this... another memory?

Suddenly, he saw Alex rushing up next to Chris, who had knelt down to tie a newly undone shoelace.

"Hey!" the punk said, panting softly to catch his breath. "You're Chris Thorndyke, right? Is it true? You're in love with Sonic?"

Chris stopped tying his lace, remaining still.

"Go away..." he mumbled. "...not in the mood for bullying..."

Alex raised an eyebrow, before kneeling down next to Chris and helping him with the shoelace.

"I'm not here to bully you..." he said softly. "In fact, I envy you..."

Chris instantly raised an eyebrow.

"Wait..." he said, warily. "You... envy me?"

The punk smiled and nodded.

"Well, yeah!" he exclaimed. "It takes guts for a guy to admit he loves another guy. I wish I had that courage..."

The brunet tilted his head to the side.

"So, I guess..." he said, glancing over at the boy beside him. "...you're gay too?"

"Yup!" was the immediate reply. "Name's Alex, by the way. Nice to meet ya... Hope we can be friends."

Alex extended a hand. Warily, Chris glanced at it. At first, he thought that maybe it was just some punk who wanted to embarrass whatever little pride he had left out of him. But the look in Alex's eyes was sincere, and so, he smiled slightly, and took the offered hand in his own.

"Yeah... I'd like that..." he agreed. "Nice to meet you, too."

Sonic watched in interest, but as he took a step forward, the memory shifted, and Chris was now kneeling down in front of his house, gazing sadly at a picture of Sonic. Giving a blink, the brunet turned his head to the side upon hearing Alex call out his name. The punk ran over to him and stopped to catch his breath. He looked a bit ruffled, but was more concerned with his friend than himself.

"Chris..." he murmured, placing a hand on the other boy's shoulder. "Are you alright?"

The Thorndyke nodded, giving a small cough.

"Yeah..." he replied. "The doctor gave me some medicine to help raise the level of my white blood cells... at least until I..."

Kneeling down, he placed his other hand on Chris' other shoulder. The blue-eyed boy began to cry.

"It won't get better..." he sobbed. "I'll be like this for the rest of my life."

"Shhh..." Alex said, comfortingly. "I know what happened. It was those guys again... giving you grief because of your love for Sonic. It was because of them that you fell off the trail on the class trip... and nearly froze. But... I took care of it for you... I kicked their asses."

Chris' teary eyes widened and he shook his head.

"Alex, no!" he whimpered. "You could get expelled, or..."

"I don't care..." the punk interrupted. "For you, if I had to do more than break their arms, I would. I'd have taken one of my father's hunting rifles to them. Chris... I care about you... a lot..."

Sonic watched, a pained expression on his face as Alex took Chris' hands into his own and stared into his eyes. The auburn-haired boy blushed, but suddenly glanced away.

"Chris..." Alex murmured. "I don't care if your friends hate me... if your mother thinks I'm no good. I..."

The darker-haired boy reached a hand up to Chris' chin, tilting it up slightly, before leaning in and pressing their lips together. Chris backed away and lowered his gaze again. Alex looked a little crestfallen.

"Chris?" he said softly. "You'll pick someone who left you behind... over someone who wants to stay by you?"

Chris looked up, his eyes filled with tears threatening to fall.

"It's not that easy..." he whimpered. "Alex, I like you... a lot... but my heart tells me that Sonic is the one I must be with. You're my friend... I don't want to jeopardise--..."

Chris was cut off as Alex suddenly embraced him. Protesting, he suddenly calmed when he heard his friend speak softly.

"It's just a hug, Chris..." he said. "I'm not the bastard everyone thinks I am. If Sonic comes back... if he truly comes back, I'll try to let you go... but until then..."

Chris' tears finally fell. He wanted to believe that Sonic would return, but he wondered if Alex was right. If Sonic didn't return, he'd be denying himself the chance for ever again feeling happy. He was brought out of his thoughts very suddenly, by approaching footsteps. Glancing in their direction, he saw his mother. Lindsay wasn't happy to say the very least, and suddenly pulled her son away from the punk.

"You..." she fumed, glaring at Alex. "I thought I made it clear... stay away from my son. If I ever see you here again, I'll file a restraining order. Understand?"

Alex stood to his feet and glared back at the woman, but upon noticing Chris' pleading eyes, he softened his expression.

"Fine..." he snorted. "But let it be known... I won't give up so easily. I love Chris, and I'll do anything to be with him."

Alex took off, while Chris remained perfectly still, tears flowing freely from his eyes. He didn't seem to hear the words his mother spoke to him. Feeling a burning pain in his chest, Sonic closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Upon opening them, he found himself back in reality, no more than a second having passed while he was in Chris' memories. Glancing at Alex, he pulled Chris close to him.

"I understand how you feel..." he murmured. "...and I thank you for helping Chris when he needed someone... but I've come back, and I'm not going anywhere. You'll need to try and let him go."

Once again, Alex had a crestfallen look on his face, and Sonic immediately felt guilty, but having Chris return his embrace lifted the guilt a little. The punk gave a soft sigh and shook his head.

"It won't be easy..." he mumbled. "But... I'll try. However, if you screw up, even once, I'll step in, and you will be sorry. Got it?"

The former hedgehog nodded, and Alex gave what seemed to be a friendly grin, though seeing Frances pump a triumphant fist in the air did piss him off a little. Slipping earphones into his ears, he gave a slight wave, before turning and walking away, the siren-like voice of Joelle sounding in his ears on his way home. Sonic watched him leave.

From what I saw in Chris' memories, Alex doesn't seem like too bad a guy. I kinda feel guilty for coming back and stealing Chris from him... though I wouldn't give Chris up for anyone else.

"Good riddance..." Danny muttered, breaking Sonic from his thoughts. "That guy's no good."

Helen and Frances both nodded in agreement, while Chris remained silent, instead opting to tug on Sonic's shirt a little.

"Sonic..." he murmured. "Can we go home?"

The former hedgehog blinked, before nodding. Turning to the others, he cleared his throat.

"Guys..." he said. "Chris and I are gonna head off now. We'll see you later."

The other three teens nodded, watching as Sonic lifted Chris into his arms, and dashed off towards Chris' house. It didn't take very long for the blue-haired boy to arrive back home. Back in their room, he set Chris down on the bed and gave a haunted smile. The auburn-haired boy smiled back.

"I'm sorry..." he murmured. "...sorry I didn't tell you about what happened."

Sonic shook his head and lay on the bed with Chris, straddling him gently.

"Don't worry about it..." the older male assured him. "I'm sorry those things happened to you. I'm sorry I left, but I'm staying now... and I'll be with you wherever you are."

Chris whimpered happily.

"I love you..." he purred. "My Sonic..."

Sonic gave a grin, before moving his lips next to Chris' ear.

"I love you too..." he purred back. "My one and only..."

Moving his lips to Chris', he fought back a smirk as his love began shedding his clothes. Removing his own as well, he pressed as close to Chris as he could, preparing for their next round of lovemaking.

Two days later, Chris and Sonic were at a mountain trail... the same mountain trail that nearly cost Chris his life.

"It was here..." he murmured, standing at the edge. "I fell all the way down there... "

Sonic held his beloved close to him, gently stroking the younger boy's hair.

"It's okay..." he said comfortingly. "Did you still want to have our picnic here, or should we go somewhere else?"

Chris shook his head.

"I'm fine..." he assured the blue-haired male. "I have you with me."

The former hedgehog smirked, though his face was slightly pink.

"Well, then..." he said. "Let's set up here then."

The two silently set their picnic blanket down, before taking everything out of the basket.

"I'm glad you came back..." Chris said finally. "It was painful to see you go... that's why I turned off the gateway. I'm... sorry... I was such a brat..."

Sonic shook his head in disagreement, giving his trademark grin.

"You weren't..." he assured his love. "I was a fool for leaving you behind... for not staying here."

Draping his arms around the older boy's neck, Chris shook his own head.

"It's okay..." he murmured. "You're here now. That's what matters. I love you."

Leaning forward and kissing his love, the younger boy pulled back and rested his head on the blunet's chest.

"Chris..." Sonic purred softly. "I love you t--...urk!"

A sudden pain shot through his chest, and he clutched Chris tightly.

What's... happening?

Glancing down at his chest, he noticed a lot of blood. But more alarming was the blood that was covering Chris' face. The once beautiful sapphire eyes that belonged to his beloved were glazed and lifeless.

"Chris?" he choked out. "No... please no... Chris?"

The auburn-haired boy didn't move or make a sound. An exit wound was on the back of his head.

"Chris..." the former hedgehog sobbed, holding his lifeless lover close. "CHRIS!"

His anguished scream echoed throughout the mountain. Scanning around, ignoring the pain in his chest, he let out an anguished growl as his eyes caught a slight gleam of light from up on a ridge. Setting Chris down and placing a kiss to his forehead, Sonic suddenly vanished, reappearing at the source of the light. What he saw sent him into a blind fit of rage. Alex gaped back at him, a hunting rifle laying on its side. The punk's eyes were filled with tears.

"It wasn't supposed to be Chris..." he choked out. "It was meant for you..."

Sonic's hair darkened, his eyes becoming a dull grey.

"Who it was meant for is irrelevant..." he hissed. "You killed Chris! You just couldn't accept that he and I were happy. You tried to get rid of me... but... you... killed... CHRIS!"

Before Alex could even make a move, Sonic was already on him, and had him pinned down. A feral scowl was on his face as he glared down at the punk.

"If you can't have him, nobody can?" he taunted. "Is that what you figured? Well, you've just gone and fucked yourself over now... and now... I'm going to fuck you over. It's such a shame... Oh well... good night."

Sonic gave a savage snarl, before slamming a fist down onto Alex's face. The sheer force, combined with the fact that the punk's head was already on the ground, caused the head to break apart. Standing up, he turned away, and returned to his lifeless partner.

"Chris..." he choked out, hair and eyes reverting. "I'm sorry. I got revenge for you... but... there's nothing left. I couldn't protect you."

Kneeling down, the former hedgehog lifted Chris into his arms, before walking towards the edge of the trail. Glancing down, he saw it was a long drop. With a sob, he turned so his back was facing the edge. Casting one final look at his beloved, who looked beautiful even in death, he pressed a gentle kiss to those lips that used to be so full of life.

I'm glad I got to be with you again... Though, I meant what I said... I'm going with you wherever you go.

Those were the former hedgehog's last thoughts as he fell backwards, tumbling down the mountain. His eyes closed, and he gave a smile, one which still remained on his face as he hit the ground hard, the remaining life sapped out of him instantly.

At least... I will get to be with you... for eternity.

The End
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