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"Ghetto City" Memories (Furcadia Dream)


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I used to play this game, back in Furcadia... it's a memory that was so good, I just couldn't forget it:



I was a real good escapee, gunslinger, and fed-killer in this dream. Nobody was able to touch me (for the most part), and it drove the feds crazy. Run around shooting, and they could never shoot me or cuff me (which would send me to jail). I mean, one touch from a Fed, and you're busted. You can shoot a Fed infinitely if you can survive them!


Some days I was just so good, they had to shout-out to tell me to turn myself in, or get banned from the dream.


There were even drugs, which would get you busted. Just items that would create puffs of smoke, which would me "illegal" and the cops would have to arrest you. Fun little things. But the drugs, I found, were a pretty weak way to get caught, so I always just shot them out like ducks. Some days they would try teaming up on me.


I was in a building once, with some guys, saying I could try out the drugs for a few seconds without a cop popping in yet. I tried to just ignore it, but then I was like "whatever", and puffed for a few seconds... then I guess I lulled-out, and went too long messing around. Fed pops in, and laughs at me smoking. Then he spawns fences to trap me in. I did it a few times later on, because I was just being lazy then... lol. The Feds were like "wow, you're getting lame with drugs Airikita..." which I KNEW they wanted more FUN out of me. Xion was big-time on the gun shooting, but didn't openly say it. So he just started this label "drug addict" and I needed "rehab", lol... he was trying to slap me around for getting busted over drugs, and I could tell he was bored.


Decided to have some fun, though, surprise Xion one day... I hid a nice riffle (shoots a good 3 square line of bullets... hard to dodge that in my hands) on one side of the city hidden behind a good spot where there was an opening behind some tiles... a nice hiding spot in-between buildings. I then went to the other side of the main street, where the feds sat on a bench in the middle. Found some drugs, and prayed that nobody would find my gun (you had to buy them from a shop... and sometimes I found people stealing my hidden guns, so I usually ended up running. Possibly why I just messed with the drugs, lol).


I ran past Xion, and a few others, and even circled around in front puffing smoke. Xion was afk, not moving, and the other feds sat there all like "oh, drugs again? She's all yours Xion..." and he would get up like "ah... dammit, whatever" then we had a chase. He wasn't shooting me, but I suspected he knew my fleeing was a bit different. I tried to lose him, running... he found a gun, and stopped to pick it up... he doesn't do THAT unless I'm armed, so I knew he figured I was up to something... lol. I ran for my rifle, which was still there. Once he came around, he ran past, but I chased him out and had a gun-duel. I didn't falter, but my skills were weak from not caring over time. I don't really remembered if he noticed or not...


Later on, that is when the fun started, and I move to this comic... a hilarious incident played out involving a chase after weeks of more chases. I got better, and was really back to the full chase. I ended up running so fast, he went off-screen. I ran fast like a racecar, and bolted behind a building (behind some tiles) so that my name was even covered. Scared, I expected him not to notice... I mean, I think a pixel stuck out... but he didn't notice because of how my character's hair blended with the ground. Sometimes he can spot me.


Thinking he would run, he stopped in the middle of the street. Without shouting (talking to himself) he said "I'm going to get you Airikita.." my heart was racing, so in a quick reaction, and impulse of wanting to SHOOT him so badly (getting my game back on) I ran out, and shot him from behind.


I wasn't so calm and collected as this comic shows, because I freaked out. It was SO easy, and my mind was racing. I fled so fast... he raged over shout chat so everyone could hear. Probably along the lines of "YOU'RE SO DEAD AIRIKITA!!!" I just remember being a real pain in the ass after that... LOL, good times. (Until they limited weapons, and imposed bans for run-aways, which defeated the whole point of the game... yeah, and most of the Feds quit after the new rules... became more of a public free-for-all, where I missed playing with Xion and others)

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