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Assorted OoT & MM Oddities & Prerelease Stuff


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I think an early alpha of the Lost Woods used that type of tree?, and had Poes in it. I remember it looking weird because it appeared as if the trees moved along the surface of the ground, rather than Link walking toward the trees.
It had similar trees, but not the same. The original ones were extremely primitive. You can see them here.
I'm a little hesitant to believe that because the order the scenes are listed is different in Debug Rom. 
Our theory is that the debug ROM was recompiled, with the new test maps added, leading to a different scene order.

Weird sparkly things in MM? It is in most enemy data (damage type) if not all. I don't know much about MM so this could be in game already.
Interesting, not sure what that is. I asked in TCRF's IRC channel and no one there knew either. I'll post it on the wiki talk page.
A different wallet icon along with some sort of map? The map might have been some sub-quest.
Info about the map is here.
I think the Nocture of Shadow is in the game still but only Japanese text.
I’d be curious about the Japanese text you’re mentioning here. The Nocturne of Shadow note template is in the game because it appears on the wall near the snowy area of Hyrule Field. Other OoT warp songs appear on the wall too. Playing them on the Ocarina makes rupees appear out of the wall. Does Zelda’s Lullaby show up there as well?

Mini moblins in OoT along with sorta weird AI (IIRC, it happens when the value of them are set to FFFF)
What's the code to make them appear? What’s their AI like?

DEBUG (OoT):Enable Collision Data (once in view, anything thats walkable turns blue, anything thats collision turns Green, anything thats damage or makes damage turns Red)
I don’t think we have this on the wiki, I’ll add it with credit to you. Cool!

DEBUG (OoT): Enable Purple Arrows,White Arrows, Flashing Grey arrows, Flashing Black, and Blue and Red (have no clue what it means) ((purple: it appears at hyrule field Draw Bridge, Kakariko Village where the lady is that you sell something too. I did this as Adult Link)  (White: seems to be where the bombable door is in Dodongo Cavern entrance.) (Grey: seems the be in the Temple of Time where you play the SoT) (Black: seems to be in ToT where the navi green spot is) ((Blue Red Grey and Black: seem to be in the Graveyard)
I wrote something about this in a previous post on this thread. I’ve been wandering through the game and recording the places where I find the arrows. I’ve added many more in the last few days, you can see my list here. I haven’t found any black or grey ones, however. Are you sure these colours aren’t a result of a graphical error in your emulator? I’ve noticed that some arrows flicker and look glitchy until I get really close to them, such as the one on the Eternal Star placard in Dodongo’s Cavern.
I've figured out the purpose of some of the colours, but not all. Pink, yellow, and white are still a mystery.
Any idea about what the source is on this screenshot, ZethN64? I remember being fascinated by it when I first saw it on The GCN.
Cool/interesting iQue shots too.
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The sparkly things from MM come in 3 different types.

One with few sparkles


One with more sparkles


And the highest amount


It's definitely not the Light Arrow effect as this is the correct effect for it.



Zelda's lullaby I think does show up. But in refrence (that code I posted) it shows up twice. Same with Saria's Song.


For the mini moblins I never made a code. It was just a simple actor placement with the value of FFFF. Their AI always follows you no matter where you are and if in range at a certain distance they start to charge intill they hit you. They stop if you move aside.


And those arrows are most likely a emulator bug.

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Someone suggested that the sparkly effect is what happens when you use your Mirror Shield to direct light on an enemy. Maybe someone could test this?


Added some more stuff from fkualol's YouTube channel to the wiki:


• OoT save screen in MM (does this actually save the game?)

If anyone has other stuff to add, I'd love to hear it!
This stuff still needs confirmation/input from others before it can be added:
"Deku Scrub Mask: Link has the chance to turn himself into what's perhaps the most annoying creature from Ocarina of Time. Just like the Deku guys from the predecessor, Link can now hop through the dungeons and shoot seeds out his snout to defend himself. But that's not all. Not only can the Deku walk on water, they can also grab a hold of certain flowers and use them to glide through the air, enabling Link to reach high up areas that he previously couldn't get to (not even with the help of a chicken)."



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Making another post since it's about different stuff:




Debug Output


By intercepting the subroutine handling debug output, ZZT32 was able to view the game's debug printouts.
An example of a debug output printout can be found here. Because the printout is context dependent based on what the player is doing, it is possible to trigger other messages aside from what is printed in this file. Samples of translated debug printouts containing different message strings can be found here and here. (Note: Log.txt may display the wrong variables in comparison to stack3.html due to buggy implementation.)
The debug printouts are notable in that they appear to list every object and map in the game. They also contain silly commentary from the developers, such as comments on the weather and emoticons.

Some noteworthy excerpts:

SAVE checksum calculation  j=0  mmm=0  
SAVEdata  ï¼¯ï¼«ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼
ssSRAMReadWrite:08000000 802db700 00008000 0
SAVECT=22, NAME=24, LIFE=2e, ITEM=a4,  64DD=2c,  HEART=cf
f_64dd=0, 0, 0
heart_status=0, 0, 0
now_life=224, 0, 0
64DD flag=0
According to ZZT32, the 64DD flags are hardcoded, meaning that their value was determined at compile time, and there is no change in environment that could influence that printout.

[33m☆☆☆☆☆ (;o;) It’s dark~! ☆☆☆☆☆
[33m☆☆☆☆☆ It’s cloudy… (._.) Ah, how melancholy. ☆☆☆☆

Pictures of these debug printouts in action can be seen here. However, apparently his hosting expires in 2 weeks, so you'd better hurry and save the stuff in that file if you want to hold onto it.




Time Passing in Ocarina of Time:


According to fkualol, Ocarina of Time records how many game days have passed during playtime. This number is reset when the game is saved and reloaded. You can see this by going to 8015E674 in Nemu's memory editor. For every day that passes, the value is increased by one.
This does have at least one in-game use: In OoT (J), Biggoron tells Link to wait 2 ~ 3 days for him to finish the Biggorn's Sword. Is there anything else that uses this?
I wonder why Biggoron tells Link to wait a non-exact amount of time. Does he sometimes take different lengths of time to finish the sword? Is it slightly randomized? Or is he just affecting a colloquial tone to make it sound more natural?
Time Passing in Majora's Mask:
I have a distant recollection from the ZSO era that someone found that Majora's Mask keeps track of the days of the week.
If I'm remembering correctly, the first day is on Sunday, the second day is Monday, the final day is Tuesday, and the new day is Wednesday. You can also change the day to Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in some sort of debug menu or display, but I can't remember what the effect was. It seems that they'd planned to have an entire week.
The text for the days might be in Japanese, in which case it may have "曜日" or "よã†ã³ or "youbi" somewhere in it, which means day. From Sunday to Saturday, the days in Japanese are æ—¥/ã«ã¡/nichi, 月/ã’ã¤/getsu, ç«/ã‹/ka, æ°´/ã™ã„/sui, 木/ã‚‚ã/moku, é‡‘/ãã‚“/kin, and 土/ã©/do.
Does anyone remember this or know how to enable it?
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Time Passing in Majora's Mask:

I have a distant recollection from the ZSO era that someone found that Majora's Mask keeps track of the days of the week.
If I'm remembering correctly, the first day is on Sunday, the second day is Monday, the third is Tuesday, and the final day is Wednesday. You can also change the day to Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in some sort of debug menu or display, but I can't remember what the effect was. It seems that they'd planned to have an entire week.
The text for the days might be in Japanese, in which case it may have "曜日" or "ようび or "youbi" somewhere in it, which means day. From Sunday to Saturday, the days in Japanese are æ—¥/にち/nichi, 月/げつ/getsu, 火/か/ka, æ°´/すい/sui, 木/もく/moku, é‡‘/きん/kin, and 土/ど/do.
Does anyone remember this or know how to enable it?


I vaguely seem to remember something like that... The only days displayed in a debug menu that I know of - or that can be enabled in the retail versions anyway, as we didn't yet have the MM Debug ROM in the ZSO era, if I'm not mistaken - is the day selection on the Map Select. That, however, just reads (in hiragana): さいしょのひ (最初の日), つぎのひ (次の日), さいごのひ (最後の日) and くりあーのひ (クリアーの日), so First Day, Next Day, Last Day and Clear Day.


Doesn't mean that you're remembering it wrongly or that this was nonsense from the start, just that I'm not sure where this might be found...

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That first link is clearly a debug printout of the game being booted... you can see some interesting things like when the game checks to see if the sram is valid

*** Scene_Word = { code=24, data1=00, data2=2000068 } ***

Scene_Word is the structure used in the http://wiki.spinout182.com/w/Maps_and_Scenes headers. This shows that everything between data1 and data2 is never used

parameter->button_status = 0,0,10
h_gage=0, b_button=0, a_button=0, c_bottle=0
c_warasibe=0, c_hook=0, c_ocarina=0, c_warp=0
c_sunmoon=0, m_wind=1, m_magic=0, another=0

Is the button/item restrictions stuff that Cloudmax documented. Atm I don't know what h_gage is for

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Scene_Word is the structure used in the http://wiki.spinout1...Maps_and_Scenes headers. This shows that everything between data1 and data2 is never used

How are you arriving at this conclusion?



Is the button/item restrictions stuff that Cloudmax documented. Atm I don't know what h_gage is for

Where has Cloudmax documented this stuff? I'm confused by warasibe, whose only dictionary definition appears to be "è—ã—ã¹ [ã‚らã—ã¹: WARASHIBE]  central stalk of a dried rice plant", and curious about the meaning of m_magic, another (which is an Engrish way of saying "other"), c_warp, and m_wind.

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How are you arriving at this conclusion?


Simple. This is the first Scene_Word outputted.


*** Scene_Word = { code=24, data1=00, data2=2000068 } ***
Code 24 is 0x18 in hexadecimal, which is the alternate header command. data2 holds an offset to a table of offsets to the other headers within the scene file. This matches the first few bytes in the scene file for Hyrule Field (18000000 20000068)


[ZU]sceneset age =[0]
[ZU]sceneset time =[FFF3]
[ZU]sceneset counter=[7]
This part is used to determine which alternate header to use. This calculation only occurs if the 0x18 code is encountered. sceneset age is simply the age code for link (0 for adult, 1 for child). sceneset time is not the game time, but what I think is referred to as the stage number. Because it's not 0, the sceneset counter is/was set to 7 (4 + the sceneset time's rightmost digit). sceneset counter determines which header to load. If the counter = 0, it uses the main header, else it uses the header referenced in the alternate header list at index counter-1.


*** Scene_Word = { code=21, data1=0a, data2=131e } ***
*** Scene_Word = { code=4, data1=01, data2=2011dd0 } ***
*** Scene_Word = { code=25, data1=00, data2=0000 } ***
*** Scene_Word = { code=3, data1=00, data2=2008464 } ***
This is where the game starts loading data from the header it chose (offset 11D60 into the scene header file). Later on, you can see where it loads the map.


Where has Cloudmax documented this stuff? I'm confused by warasibe, whose only dictionary definition appears to be "è—ã—ã¹ [ã‚らã—ã¹: WARASHIBE]  central stalk of a dried rice plant", and curious about the meaning of m_magic, another (which is an Engrish way of saying "other"), c_warp, and m_wind.



Here's where it's documented. I've added a little extra to explain what maps to what.



0x800F7350 [Tble] #Scene Item Restriction Table
Each scene entry is 1 word long.
Table Entry Format
ID = Scene ID
XX = Restriction Flags
0x01, 0x02, 0x03 Bottles
0x04, 0x08, 0x0C Unused? (a_button)
0x10, 0x20, 0x30 B Button
0x40, 0x80, 0xC0 Unused? (h_gage)
YY = Restriction Flags
0x01, 0x02, 0x03 Warp Songs (c_warp)
0x04, 0x08, 0x0C Ocarina
0x10, 0x20, 0x30 Hookshot & Longshot
0x40, 0x80, 0xC0 Trade Items (c_warasibe)
ZZ = Restriction Flags
0x01, 0x02, 0x03 Global (c_another, basically all other c items)
0x04, 0x08, 0x0C Din's Fire & Nayru's Love (m_magic)
0x10, 0x20, 0x30 Farore's Wind (m_wind)
0x40, 0x80, 0xC0 Sun's Song
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  • 2 weeks later...

Now that stuff about the Elemental Arrows is very intriguing! It was believed for a very long time that the Sages Medallions would give you their Arrow as well, but I now think I realize why so many of the Sage Scenes awarded Two Copies of the same Medallion...


0098 ovl_En_Du Darunia
ROM: 0xD2362C - (24050067) Fire Medallion from Sage Darunia
ROM: 0xD53E4C (24050067) (From Volvagia Warp) - Fire Medallion
Fire Medallion 0xADCCA0 - (24050067) (From Kakariko Village Exit, after going through Volvagia Warp)
It seems quite likely that one of these copies was originally going to be the Fire Arrows, but they didn't want to mess with the established code so they just changed it to receiving the Fire Medallion... three times. (one of those is probably an oversight)
This example is present for every Sage...
ROM: 0xD53DC0 (24050066) (From Phantom Ganon Warp) - Forest Medallion
00C9 ovl_Demo_Sa Sage Saria
 ROM: 0xD47F70 (24050066) Forest Medallion (From Sage Saria)


And so on and so forth...

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  • 2 weeks later...

The "Entrance to the Future" thing is probably part of the spirit temple.


The snake statues say


"If you want to proceed to the past, you should return here with the pure heart of a child."

"If you want to travel to the future, you should return here with the power of silver from the past."


This implies the two wings of the temple are "the future" and "the past". The entrance to the present probably refers to the third entrance, ie, the one with the rising platform. It leads directly to the statue room, which would be the present, since it is the room where the paths of "the future" and "the past" intersect.

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