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Zenobia Nebiros Reikaz

Shadow Fire

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---= The Basics =---
- Name of Character:
:: Zenobia Nebiros Reikaz
- Character Species:
:: Akumaryuu (Demonic Dragon)
:: Human (Disguised)
- Age:
:: 727
- Character Colour:
:: Teal/Cyan/Green - Akumaryuu Form
:: Tan/Black/Red - Human Disguise
- Height:
:: 6'4"
- Weight/Build:
:: Muscular
- Alignment:
:: Dark
---= Appearance & Personality =---


- Appearance:
:: Zenobia is a demonic dragon that exists in one of many alternate realities. The markings that adorn his arms and torso symbolise his importance, as the Elder Akumaryuu. His crimson coloured eyes are said to pierce into even the most hardened warrior's soul. He has powerful wings, and adorns only a dark pair of trousers and a dark, hooded cape. However, he does not often reveal this form. Instead, he disguises himself as a handsome, young human male, approximately 20 years of age. Donning similar dark trousers and hooded cape, this form is tanned, wears military-style gloves and boots, has tattoos over his arms and torso, and is adorned with silver facial piercings. His hair is deep red, with sinister eyes to match.
- Personality:
:: For the most part, he is very polite and seemingly pleasant. He speaks in a somewhat regal manner, befitting his important role in his dimension. Even when dealing with his foes, he will often keep a calm, collected expression, including whenever he eliminates them. However, there are rare occasions where he will become exceptionally vicious and at times, borderline psychotic. Aside from these, he often exerts a great curiosity for the unknown.
- Past:
:: The many realities had, at a time, been one. Many different species coexisted peacefully under the guidance of the Overseers, and the world was a beautiful place. However, one fateful day, the Overseers split the world into several multiverses, sealing each apex species in their own version of the same world. Many Akumaryuu lost their lives in this event, reducing their numbers to a mere fifth of what they once were.
As time passed, the Akumaryuu adapted to their new, darker home. Many of them learned mysterious magical abilities, gaining the power to control elements. These became the first Elders, who would eventually sire a young successor, whom was named Zenobia. The new heir spent his younger days learning how to control magic, while training his body and mind. Ten years later, Aedus, his brother, was born. Zenobia instantly doted on his younger sibling, vowing to keep him safe, and to teach him everything he knew.
As the years passed, Dojan (their father) finally reached the apex of his life and ascended, his life force returning to the world, leaving Zenobia as the new Elder. Aedus' loyalty to his older brother saw him becoming a protector of sorts to the Elder. In spite of his power, Zenobia always treated his younger brother as an equal, the two sharing a deep bond of brotherhood, one which would never be broken.
Throughout his life so far, he has learned of the Isolation Conflict of countless millennia past, and has decided to find a way to cross into the other worlds.
- Likes:
:: Aedus, tranquility, flying, exploring.
- Dislikes:
:: The Overseers, discord, disloyalty.
---= Abilities =---
- Abilities:
:: As an Akumaryuu, Zenobia is graced with the power of flight, and control of powerful magic, even when disguised as a human, another of his abilities.
- Source of Abilities:
:: Inheritance and education.
- Goals:
:: To reunite the multiverse, and rule over all as Supreme Elder.
- Strengths:
:: Zenobia is extremely agile, has great physical strength and powerful magic. His Akumaryuu eyes are said to hold a mysterious power of their own, but it is unknown as to what they can be.
- Weaknesses:
:: While seemingly unstoppable to many, there are a few weaknesses Zenobia has, though only one of them is actually exploitable. His loyalty to his brother is paramount, and when Aedus is in harm's way, he will immediately abandon his current plan in an attempt to keep him safe, even though Aedus often remarks that he can take care of himself.
---= Roleplay Example =---
- Example:
:: "I beseech you once again, cease your hostilities, or I will be forced to punish you."
Ruby eyes staring at his foe, a hand was lifted, gloved fingers gracefully brushing aside his hair. A defiant snort was his answer, forcing him to give a soft sigh.
"It is regretful that you resist. I had hoped to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed. Incidentally, you leave me with no other option."
Holding a hand out before him, the red-haired man cast a powerful Fire spell, watching as his foe was engulfed in flames. He closed his eyes as he heard his enemy's agonised screams. Taking a breath he opened his eyes as the screaming began to subside, his enemy finally slumping to the ground, unmoving; finally, only ashes remained.
"This is where your game ends. I hope you find comfort in the arms of oblivion."
With those words, darkness began to swirl around him and moments later, he vanished.
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