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The Madness Theory


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"The Madness Theory"
by: SoulofDeity
--- Prologue
   This story is both truth and lie. It may alter your life for the better or worse.
It may drive you mad, make you mad, or very strongly suggest that you are, in fact,
mad. If you pride yourself in your sanity, or are content with letting the mysteries
of life stay mysteries, then stop reading. You don't have the cohonas to read this.
--- Chapter 1.  "The Thought We've All Had"
   Lets begin with our normal day shall we? We roll out of bed, possibly kicking
and screaming. Some of us just like doing that. We hit the restroom and make breakfast.
Sometimes we decide to skip breakfast. Maybe we're just not hungry. Maybe there's not
enough time. Maybe for some frikkin reason, every morsel of food in the house is
frozen and we're too damn lazy to cook. Maybe, it's a good thing we didn't because
we're half-asleep and didn't wash our hands after fumbling with our toys.
   No matter how our morning begins, there's almost certain to be like, a million or
so other people in the world doing the exact same thing. At some point in time, we've
all questioned ourselves if someone, or everyone, doing exactly what we're doing at
that exact same moment is thinking our exact same thoughts. It's never more than a
few moments, and we usually just shrug it off like nothing more than a boredom-born
fantasy. Let's revisit this thought and ask ourself a question here. If it really is
nothing more than fantasy and no one in the universe thinks exactly like we do, does
that not make us alone in the universe? We are assuming that no one has or every will
exist that will be exactly like us mentally.
   Let's pitch another question here. If you locked someone in a pitch-black room for
20 years with absolutely no social interaction, can we all agree that at some point,
their mind will break? Of course it will. At some point in time they're gonna lose
their everlovin mind. Somehow, they're going to find a way to fill that void. Even
if it means scraping little eyeballs out of the back of their hand and talking to it.
Okay...that's a bit pointless considering they're in a pitch black room, but you get
the point. If we were to sever all ties with everything, we would find a way to create
a new tie, even if it's with ourself.
   Now, let's ask one last question. It's one we've all had at one point in time. One
that we've quickly tossed aside, and considered by our own unanimous decision to be
taboo. One we fear asking anyone about, not only because people might put us in loony
farm, but because if it is in fact true, then it makes asking the question pretty much
redundant. What if, we are in fact, the only sentient being in the universe? What if
everything we know, our perception of reality itself is a figment of our own
imagination? What if...like a man locked in a pitch black room for 20 years, we have
carved a pair of eyes out of the back of our hand to fill the void of being completely
alone in the universe?
--- Chapter 2.  "The Question That Answered Everything"
   Well, I think we can all agree that escalated quickly...Half an hour ago, we were
reluctantly getting out of bed and making breakfast with our pee-pee hands, and now
we're insane. As if we haven't molested our brains enough, lets delve even deeper into
this. Is there any merit or benefit to knowing that we are mad? Yes. Plenty actually.
When you think about it, it pretty much answers every question in the world. For
example, is the universe endless? Of course. If it's all just a figment of our
imagination, then it will remain endless. Is there a god? Yes and no. Everything we
see is artificial, so yes, but never existed in the first place so no. Can we fly? Yes.
But probably not a good idea to jump a building, just saying.
   But if we did create this world ourselves, then why is it so imperfect? Why do we
have rules like gravity and "you shalt not turn into a floppin awesome flame antronach
and bust some asses"? Answer:  For our own security. Being alone in the universe, we
would create rules, implications of them, and ways to avoid harm caused by them so as
to give ourselves a false sense of security. Like hugging yourself when you're scared.
   Now we ask, why is there pain and suffering? Answer:  Because we're bored as all
ghetto. Come on, how many times have you heard that emergency alert broadcast go off
on tv felt that rush, hoping it comes somewhere near you (but not like, on you because
that would totally suck). We craaaaave danger. It gets our heart pumpin. Makes us
super-horny. Ok, so we're going off topic a bit. But the point is that if this
perception of reality we have is artificial, then we would create drama simply for the
sake of feeling something. It's fairly exciting, and disturbing, to think that so many
questions can be answered just by the assumption that we're crazy. Then again, many
of the worlds greatest minds were, so what does that say....
--- Chapter 3.  "One collective mind, divided among many"
   Wow...the room seems like it's spinning...maybe the crazies have me? Or it could be
partially due to the fact that I haven't slept in 48 hours...So lets just sum up
everything. We've made an imaginary world, drew lines telling ourselves what we can and
cannot do to makes ourselves feel safe, starved a bunch of children and killed a few
people for some excitement, and to some it all up, we're reiterating things to ourselves
that we already know. It's clear at this point that we are completely insane.
   But this leaves one last question...if this world is all artificial, are you saying
that I'm fake and you're god? Yes and no. You're not fake, and neither am I. We're both
the same person, just different personalities. You know, like that movie, "Me, Myself,
and I". On a second note, you can't claim to be a god because you created an imaginary
world. That's just stupid. That'd be like making up a new word for fish and claiming to
be king of seaworld.
   As one collective mind divided among many, we also do some pretty dumb stuff when
you think about it. I mean, think of how many raging flame wars we've had against
ourselves or how many times we've killed ourselves because we stole something from
ourself. We're all in just one big circle of madness, and the ultimate joke here is that
at the end of the day, even if this does deeply affect us, it mostly likely won't alter
the decisions we make in life in a dramatic way. We will still choose to be mad. I mean,
why not? Do we really want to break the cycle and reclaim sanity so we can gleefully
live in an abyss of nothingness for all eternity?
   Personally, I would say hell no. I wanna live and let die. This is best the artificial
reality we as an single entity could conceive. This is the game we made given the cards
we were dealt. If you don't like the game, quit. Or maybe...if you're lucky, you can
cheat...This is...the madness theory.
--- Epilogue
   So what now, are we mad? Is this nothing more than a joke, or is it meant to be
   taken seriously? Well, that's all up to interpretation. Umad bro?
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Loony farm?  I think you mean either loony bin, or funny farm.



lol, the idea was to try to convince the reader they're crazy; which is why I wrote in the tense of "we", "us", and "ourself", to make it seem as though the reader is talking to themself rather than me talking to them.

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Any particular reason this is in the Roleplay forum? Seems more like a piece of literature, but if you have a reason for placing it in the Free-for-All forum, I won't move it.


Either way, interesting... theory, if you can call it that. It was a pretty good read.

thanks :)   it's not meant to be serious, it's just obvious trollin. but yeah, you can move it. I wasn't sure what forum it belonged in

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Any particular reason this is in the Roleplay forum? Seems more like a piece of literature, but if you have a reason for placing it in the Free-for-All forum, I won't move it.


Either way, interesting... theory, if you can call it that. It was a pretty good read.

thanks :)   it's not meant to be serious, it's just obvious trollin. but yeah, you can move it. I wasn't sure what forum it belonged in



What's this "trollin" of which you speak? And how is it done?


I see you posted a smiling pic at the end of your post.  So if I post a smiling pic at the end of this, is that "trollin"?


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Any particular reason this is in the Roleplay forum? Seems more like a piece of literature, but if you have a reason for placing it in the Free-for-All forum, I won't move it.


Either way, interesting... theory, if you can call it that. It was a pretty good read.

thanks :)   it's not meant to be serious, it's just obvious trollin. but yeah, you can move it. I wasn't sure what forum it belonged in



What's this "trollin" of which you speak? And how is it done?


I see you posted a smiling pic at the end of your post.  So if I post a smiling pic at the end of this, is that "trollin"?



yes, yes it is.


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