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"What If?: Gaming's Alternate Realities"


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I made a brief shout about this yesterday already, but 1UP's "What If?: Gaming's Alternate Realities" series of articles this week is very interesting.


One of today's articles, for example, deals with an alternate outcome of the North American video game crash of 1983, where Atari and the rest of the "old guard" lived on and the Japanese console makers - especially Nintendo - never gained much ground. Two quotes from the article:


"With Game Boy's blurry monochrome screen, the only advantage it offered over the Atari Lynx was better battery life and a slightly lower price; it never stood a chance in the U.S. market."

"Imagine if games like Super Mario Bros. were global hits and not niche favorites available only from import specialists listed in the seedy back page ads of game magazines."


Those are scary thoughts, especially if you've got an original Game Boy right next to you on the table, and you just played Super Mario Galaxy 2 a few days ago.


Some of the other articles online so far ask questions like the ever-present "What if Square never left Nintendo?", but also, say, "What if third-party development didn't exist?" or "What if video games never came home?". There's some interesting ideas and scenarios already available, and more to come until the end of the week.

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God I would hate that.


Video games would never hit proper development and never really be set in stone. Ever watch Egoraptor's Sequelitis? It shows how games can go wrong in so many ways, and this would lead into that terribley.


Thanks for this, I really have never appreciated what we have, and how bad games could be and how stupid devs could stay.

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