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I am "Sairek Ceareste", a Dedicated Writer

Sairek Ceareste

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Greetings everybody~ My name is Sairek Ceareste. I am a male that is dedicated in the hobby of gaming and has a very very strong passion for writing. Mostly writing more than gaming. I will talk about the gaming first and then I will talk A LOT about my writing. I feel it is very important for me to express my writing because it is VERY much who I am. It describes who I am in so many ways so accurately, I don't think I can really describe it.


I have been playing video games longer than I can remember -- literally. And back then I was playing them ritually. As early as 5 I was playing and beating games such as Command & Conquer, Hexen, Zelda Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask and a whole bunch of SNES games we owned and have had over the years which have lost/accidentally destroyed by now. In hindsight, I prefer a lot of the day's older games compared to a lot of today's games. Even older MMORPG's such as Mabinogi and Ragnarok Online (mostly Mabinogi... absolutely made for me, I love it... I hate Nexon NA though. Worst customer service I have ever seen. I've sent a ticket of NX that was taken from my account for Maple story which I -never- played and they still don't answer me except with automated messages!.... okay rant done).




Aside from my gaming, I am a very passoniate writer.


I... always feel strange posting this whenever I enter a new forum, because I dislike to advertise and trying to advertise. It is not my intention to advertise because my writing has to do with... maybe around 90% of who I really am...? But if you want to read extreme specific details about me... see my profile in the URL. There, you can see why I write, and very detailed stuff about me. My profile there is very very specific ( http://www.writerscafe.org/Heero ). As of right now, I am working on three stories. One which I haven't worked on in over a year and a half, because I am working on the other two and I am going to be rewriting it from scratch since it was my first story... and I honestly dislike how I have had written it. So a year of work that nobody will see, but that's okay. I learned how to better my writing and the story will only just be better for the public eye instead of the embarrassment eyesore that even I eventually found it to be.

The second story I am writing is called "Ethereal Elixir", which has to deal with a young Prince named Sairek Ceareste (That is NOT me, I am just using his name for my username) who has to deal with the fact that at the young age of eight, that his mother, the Queen had passed away and his father, the King, expects Sairek to fill in his wife's responsibilities. This isolates Sairek and makes him feel as a outcast as he is not even able to leave the castle by any means except for business. His father argues it is for his protection and he has responsibilities to hold up to. Sairek argues that "It is like I am that of a bird locked inside of a cage... I am safe from harm, but it comes at the cost of my freedom. I will never learn to mature and fly this way."

He has been locked in the castle for over five years now except at times where he sneaks out, whether with, or without his father's knowing. At the age of eight, even he knows that he is starting to gain some sort of 'selfish, rebellious behavior'. Sairek feels that the relationship between him and his father is in shambles. They love each other, but the affection is simply gone.

That is until the world tree, Yggdrasil, shows signs that it is beginning to decay and the situation slowly starts with people unaware, until it starts to become more and more evident. The people begin to panic for if Yggdrasil dies, the entire planet and everything on it will die as well. Sairek weilds a staff made out of a piece of root from Yggdrasil, and when he sees the first signs of evidence, he feels more strongly than ever that he needs to go and escape the castle despite his father's word, and investigate what is happening to the tree, before it's too late, for time is ticking, and he needs to figure out how to get into the core of the world before there is no more world left.



The third story I am working on..... is actually a Majora's Mask fanfiction! (Surprise?). I like to read fanfictions from time to time..... well, try to read them. As much as I like the thought of fanfictions, finding good ones, that are actually complete is very very hard and rare... I usually get stories that go like this:



"Link: do u know what to do hear?"

Tatl: wait!

Link: what?

Tatl: i have a pan!

Link: relly?! what is it!?"


(Note: The above text you see was something I read before...

It made me sad... but only strengthened my resolve to write a fanfiction that would be... well, at the very least, better.)



My fanfiction... won't be like that. Most fanfictions, on average (for the decent/good ones that are completed), have their chapters with only 1500 words a chapter (bare minimum... usually about 2500 words average) or 4000 words at maximum. My fanfiction will have around 5000~8000 words on average, and that's it being in playscript formatting (Playscript formatting is text like in the example above) since I will be use the facial portraits and other images in this format, having that many words a chapter is pretty large considering I'm losing a lot of descriptions to play with (meaning less words to work with). The face portraits I will be using I have been working on coloring (Which can sometimes take houuuurrrrssss to do!). Face portraits will be 200x200 pictures, always on the left side of the text.




Posted ImageLink: What's wrong, are you surprised, Skull Kid?


I even got my Ocarina back from you. For someone boasting to have the power of a God, I thought you would be smarter than this...




Posted Image Link: U-Ugh... I don't feel well at all... I feel weak all over... Tatl... what's... happening to me...?





Posted Image Link: That’s no better than the actions of a playground bully, you ludicrous child! You can’t judge everyone based off of just a few people!!





Posted ImageLink: There will be only one of us left standing in this room by the end of the hour. I follow the will of real Gods. The will I hear from them right now is to obliterate you for your crimes against their Holy Law! Never would I allow myself to kneel down to some selfish puppet that claims himself honor of the title 'God' when all you do is damage lives and kill others with these 'sacrifices'! Does the blood on your hands truly make you proud?!


Prepare yourself for total annihilation, Odolwa! I will never forgive you for the suffering you have caused to all of the inhabitants in this swamp because of your greed!!



(That mouth kind of looks ugly... I should fix it up sometime.... but I suck at coloring mouths...

Also note that the text used is real examples from the fanfiction. But the text would appear at the top of the of portrait, not at the bottom. I can't change that in this forum.)






And the fanfiction will use bigger pictures, like you sometimes see in chapter books... but also colored! Like this:





Posted Image

(My friend did this one for me... Absolutely love it. Also, this is a slightly smaller version I posted up for this Forum, so it'd be a little bigger than this)


The fanfiction will follow the general arc of storyline of Majora's Mask, but it will still be very different, especially how the three days works out. To name a few large differences:


- The Happy Mask Man seems to show signs that he knows about the Tri-Force, Ocarina of Time and Link himself.

- Link can, and will lose battles

- If you can't guess from the picture above of the swamp, he is quite mortal, and in some situations, can nearly die from environmental hazards. That cold in the mountains Link just runs about not really caring except sneezing when you stand idle? Not so easy for him in the story.

- NPC's that were hardly useful or there in the game are quite important in the story. Koume and Kotake in the swamp for example are used in chapters 4, 5 and 6, and will maybe/maybe not making return appearances later.

- There will be various Skull Kid encounters, such as in the Lost woods in the swamp, one in the Swamp temple, etc

- Link... uh, does speak in this. That's different from Majora's Mask.... right?

- And a lot more other differences I won't say because then it will be complete spoilers.



The Fanfiction isn't viewable (but isn't limited to being viewed if someone asks permission for it to be seen... you will just see it look kind of ugly as I've added place holders for pictures... lots of uncolored pictures, etc.). The reason I have it set to not being public, is because I want all of the pictures (of at least Link) colored and there's still... if my counting is correct as of right now... there are 55 more facial expressions of Link that need to be colored and at least 6 actual large images that need to be colored as well. The large image count is still, however, rising as I continue the story because I figure out what certain pictures I need. (Yes, there will be more than just Link's face and pictures of Link. But he is by far the vast majority of the pictures that will be used (Something like 80 or 85% or so).





If you're interested in reading any of the stories, (Now, or later), please do read them and please give criticism! I sooooo desperately need it! Nobody hardly gives me any and it makes me sad! I get a lot of people giving me private messages saying they like the story (or stories), but they never say why they like it either which is even less criticism I am getting.

It is an absolute dream of mine to complete Ethereal Elixir (And my mystery unknown story) and publish them both at the very very least (Can't publish the fanfiction of course, but I still want to finish it badly). So to those who like reading, I am asking; or in fact, begging for criticism





[Edit:] Answered that question myself 20 seconds later. I r teh blind. LOL.





Phew... that is the end of my introduction, but if anybody has any questions they'd like to ask me, please do!




Final notes: I love talking to new people, so add me if you want to! Just make sure you notify me first for stuff like AIM or MSN. I'm sure you know as much as me bots run around rampant. Just give me something to go on, like PMing me on here so I know a real person is trying to add me. My contact information is inside of my profile. Alternatively, if you want to contact me on Youtube, it is HolyHeeroYui. You will be able to find it most likely on a search in Youtube.



Cheers, everyone!

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Quite possibly one of the most detailed and care-lavished introductions I've ever seen on the internet--if it's any indication of the quality of your work, I feel better about fanfiction in general already. In particular, I like your concept of having pictures to accompany lines of dialogue in your transcripts, it certainly adds a greater depth of understanding to how the characters are acting, thinking or feeling. Do note, though, that using solely text can help expand your writing skills as it forces you to be more imaginative and creative with wordplay to convey the same ideas that an image does--and for some, the familiar format is easier to process and enjoy.


As I'm sure you'll be delighted to hear, we do in fact have a literature section on the GCN and you are more than welcome to share your stories there with the sight. And if I'm not mistaken, you can also upload copies of the story to this site that are formatted in a word processor like MS Word or OpenOffice Writer, or whatever medium you prefer.


That said, welcome to the GCN, enjoy your stay, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM myself or any other staff member. :)

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Haha, thanks. I try to explain about myself as much as possible, because people say I'm a complex person at times.


Just to let you know, Ethereal Elixir does not use the play formatting that my Fanfiction does. It uses normal text just like a normal story. It would be kind of hard to publish a story as a series of books if it looked like that! Besides, I learned my mistake from the first time. Ethereal Elixir's character, especially the three main characters, are far too complex to be able to show them through just images.


The first story that I wrote I mentioned used play script formatting, it too had faces, but I found myself as the chapters went on, that it was hard to explain how the characters were expressing themselves with just the faces. You can put more life into a story explaining the anger in a person's eyes as opposed to just slapping up a picture. For the fanfiction, I tried to put as much detail into Link's facial expressions as possible, mostly the eyes, as you can see in the extremely angry face (3rd face portrait). The lighting and brightness of the shine in his eyes kind of says it all how angry he's feeling. The lines expanding outwards kind of help too. And for the first picture, you can kind of see the taunting gleam his eyes are giving. A lot of the emotion he's feeling is not only expressed in his face, but the effects I've given into his eyes. Aside from that... he's Link. Everyone kind of knows Link at least a little bit. Since it's someone almost every person would understand just slightly, it's easier to put facial expressions up. Of course, the him talking adds a whole new personality, so I do have to go into great detail in the fanfiction trying to explain that. I do that with using flash backs at the very start as the opening to every single chapter, which all the flash takes place either before Ocarina of Time, during Ocarina of Time or even after it and before Majora's Mask starts.


In fact, just to show an example, here is the "flash back" I use after chapter 2, it takes place before Majora's Mask, but after Ocarina of time.





“Zelda, what do you think happens to us when we die?â€Â


“Hmm? That’s a sudden question to ask, Link… Nobody really knows what happens.â€Â


“I know, I know. But what do you think? What is your opinion?â€Â


“Umm… Well, I think we pass on to another realm… Eventually, we will be reborn as someone else, yet still the same person at the same time…â€Â


“You don’t think we just disappear, do you…?â€Â


“Link, even if that was true, we wouldn’t disappear completely. A person who passes away will still live on as long as their memory remains in other people. I think a lot of people think that way too; that is why we make graves for the dead -- to remember them by.â€Â


“But I can’t help protect Hyrule forever... Eventually I’m going to grow older, and have to pass away and…

to just disappear…? When I think about it Zelda… I just get really scared. When I first left the Kokiri forest, everyone was worried about me. But with Saria’s song I was able to keep at least some form of contact. But when I pulled out the Master Sword, that contact had been gone for seven years. Seven years I just disappeared from everyone who cared for me… It must have been painful for Saria and the others, they must have worried sick, and eventually that worry had to begin eating away at their hearts and minds. Eventually people are going to pass away from me or I pass away from them…

That pain, I don’t want to feel it again. I don’t want to provide it again either. But... it doesn't matter how much I don't want it to come, it will indeed come sooner or later… Death... the feeling of something you know that is going to happen... you know what is going to happen... and you know how it is going to happen, but there is nothing you can do to prevent it…?

That is what scares me the most…â€Â



Morale of the flash back: Link can get scared. He is very courageous and brave, but he is scared. And he is afraid of Skull Kid's power. He is very much afraid of the situation he is in and the fact he carries literally the hopes of everyone in Termina on his shoulders, but he strongly believes that he can do something about it and that is what keeps him going. He shows this fear in many ways during the story, especially inside of his head.


At the start, where Skull Kid steals Epona, he actually breaks down for a few minutes and cries because he didn't feel (or couldn't) do anything to protect Epona. And there are many more flash backs like this, all each that are important like this one.

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Guest sakura

Welcome to The-GCN. I think Naxy already summed up my thoughts about your introduction quite nicely. You're obviously very passionate about what you do, and that's always great to see. I hope you enjoy your stay here, and I'm looking forward to seeing your work.

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Ah quest 64 an old favorite of mine.


Or the original name before Americian company screwed it up... "Holy Magic Century".


Dunno what was wrong with them... Holy Magic Century sounds waaaay better than "Quest 64", like... Blah that just makes me mad...!


Also "Brian" isn't a very good main character name for a fantasy name... =x


(It was better than the Japanese name though... Jean-Jacques? Wha...?


The EU version was the best. Not only did they keep the original name, and censor the game less, but they had a cool main character name. "Ayron". I can live with that! That's a good fantasy name!




Sairek, unfortunately, looks very very close to the main character from that game. The only real difference is that: The blue would be a different shade (bright blue), the staff looks much different, his hair style would be slightly different, but same color, the jewel around his neck looks different, but same shape, and Sairek would be a little bit taller. Also his gloves and boots would be a slightly different shade too. They also wouldn't be as big. His ears are not like that at all as in the picture (As in those ears are too big). The steel on both his gloves and boots would be silver, not plain iron/steel color. The tabard he wears is a more cleaner white, instead of the very bright yellow. Sairek also doesn't wear a chainmail vest under his clothing like Magic Century boy does (I think back then they would have chainmail... maybe, for children at that age. They began training knights from boys as early as 7 in the middle ages so who knows?) Finally, Sairek's eye color is green, but they are a much different shade of green (He also has pupils...)



That's my.. uh, appearance rant, I guess.






I've clearly played that game a bit too much more than I should...

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May I be pedantic for a second? The Japanese title of Quest 64 is Eltale Monsters and it was, interestingly enough, apparently first released in the US, then Europe (as Holy Magic Century) and then in Japan.


But leaving that aside, welcome to The GCN! Wish I could write as well as you can, my writings/stories/fanfics always end up on the, uh, not all that great side, or that's at least what I think :)

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I once attempted an MLP fanfiction, and it was... meh? I could have done better, but alas, it was my first.


Next one on my list, is a fanfiction about inserting a non-brony I know into Equestria. The purpose of this? To piss him off, really.

Maybe you can, uh, give me some pointers to increase the quality of it some time, Sairek.

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Just letting you know: that statement isn't really too fair at all, as I doubt America as a whole had anything to do with that name change. If anything, I'd blame it on the single company which was in charge of localizing the game. :)


Fixeded. *Thumbs up*





May I be pedantic for a second? The Japanese title of Quest 64 is Eltale Monsters and it was, interestingly enough, apparently first released in the US, then Europe (as Holy Magic Century) and then in Japan.


But leaving that aside, welcome to The GCN! Wish I could write as well as you can, my writings/stories/fanfics always end up on the, uh, not all that great side, or that's at least what I think :)



I used to own a Japanese version of the game and it said Quest 64 on the title screen. But maybe that was a very very early version. (Seen it before with many Japanese/English games where names have been changed and stuff. Take Mother 1 and 2 for example.)


I would show you, except that cartridge got stolen. Along with my Majora's Mask cartridge. =_= *sigh* But I'll take your word on it, hehe. As much as I've played the game, I haven't really studied how it came to be.


Practice makes perfect! Trust me, when I began writing as early as six, my writings were very embarrassing. .__.; They still were, probably up to maybe 4 or 5 years ago. Then they were at least somewhat presentable.





I once attempted an MLP fanfiction, and it was... meh? I could have done better, but alas, it was my first.


Next one on my list, is a fanfiction about inserting a non-brony I know into Equestria. The purpose of this? To piss him off, really.

Maybe you can, uh, give me some pointers to increase the quality of it some time, Sairek.



Maybe, but I must say I'm no brony. :)


That said, I don't hate it either. I can watch MLP when I'm bored.








Edit: Typo fixes because even after 12 years of writing under my belt, I still can't proofread like a normal human being. u-u

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That said, I don't hate it either. I can watch MLP when I'm bored.









I totally pictured you as a British Velociraptor, with a top hat, monocle, and bubble pipe saying that. Then, when you said alone, you slouched into your big leather chair, as the camera panned out, lightning flashed, the screen faded black, and big white text appeared which read "la fin".


My imagination is overactive, yes.

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I totally pictured you as a British Velociraptor, with a top hat, monocle, and bubble pipe saying that. Then, when you said alone, you slouched into your big leather chair, as the camera panned out, lightning flashed, the screen faded black, and big white text appeared which read "la fin".


My imagination is overactive, yes.



I wish I was British, but sadly for me I am not. :<


I love British accents... And the way a lot of them say things. All my favorite Let's Players are british.



Actually, lemme correct that, every single Let's Player I watch but two are British. And those two who aren't British happen to be my least favorite. Not that they're bad people, their commentary is just... not very fun.


Also, I'm too young (probably) to be a British... Velo...thingywhatsit. I still have the mind of an innocent boy. I still like my legos and I can still play with them for hours before getting bored!

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Oh, well, a Velociraptor is a dinosaur. lol


And yes, I can attest to legos being absolutely awesome.





What's the difference between a Velociraptor and a Brtisih Velociraptor and--


Ehm, just nevermind...



(Reminds me too much of Gentleman Cho'Gath from League of Legends... http://images2.wikia...emanSkin_Ch.jpg )







Any way welcome to the GCN :)



Thanks~ :)

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