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Every Day the Same Dream


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I found this game a few days ago, and I have to say, it's one of the eeriest and most depressing concepts I've ever seen. I'm almost tempted to call it creepypasta based on its artistic style and presentation. The author has coined this game as an "art game." It was created by Molleindustria, and the music was written by Jesse Stiles. If you're confused as to how to progress, check the spoiler below.



1. When you exit the elevator, head left and talk to the homeless guy. He will take you to a cemetary, completing one step.

2. While you are going to work, get out of your car by pressing the space bar and go left or right to a field. Pet the cow to complete another step.

3. Outside the corporation building there is a tree with a single leaf. Wait a bit to the left of the tree for the leaf to fall off and catch it when it does to complete another step.

4. Don't put on your clothes and go to work. Your boss will fire you, completing another step.

5. Keep going right when you get to the hallway with your cubicle to end up on the roof of the building. Jump off to complete the final step and become a new person.


Steps 2 and 3 can be done in conjunction with other steps or a normal routine; steps 1, 4 and 5 will take you back to the beginning and must be done in separate "days."



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