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Posts posted by Non-epic

  1. Really, the people who won this time were Ubisoft.... like so well. It was too good, they're trying to take over the world.


    I really can only say that a majority of people I know have XBox and want to switch to it. And as far as I know, a ton more peopel have Wii than anything else because of that HUGE rush for them until like 2008.


    And besides I really don't even touch that Wii. Yes I don't use it ... unless I homebrew it soon or want to play Goldeneye or Brawl.


    While milking series is still on the table, I think a company should do it as long as they can... fucking ... MAKE IT GOOD AND INNOVATE.... like god please...

  2. I really agree with most of this. how things used to be a cut above the rest, they no longer are. Maybe they still think that they can get ahead in some way. Look 'sleek' and 'stylish' is how they can try to keep up, trying to stay above the others, and they think it might work out. Trying this really hasn't been working, and they should just go back to doing their own, smart thing.

  3. God I would hate that.


    Video games would never hit proper development and never really be set in stone. Ever watch Egoraptor's Sequelitis? It shows how games can go wrong in so many ways, and this would lead into that terribley.


    Thanks for this, I really have never appreciated what we have, and how bad games could be and how stupid devs could stay.

  4. No offence Nyan, but I really lost faith in Black Ops 2. At first, it seemed like a fresh new start, but as time went on, it seemed distant from anything in the series. The game itself baffled me when i saw horses being ridden in a futuristic scene.

  5. HEy guys, I think this has been confirmed! New screens and footage are up now!


    Either way I think this can break the series. IT's mostly fun alone. I don't want to play with others unless this will be all multiplayer.


    This will destroy my computer.

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