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Posts posted by LastWWolf

  1. Not only am I stoked for Zestaria, but Symphonia, the first rpg I ever finished, is coming to steam...Dude, I could fucking cry...one of the very few games so near and dear to my heart...holy hell this news is amazing...

    • Like 1
  2. It's got a very simplistic feel to it, but I like it. Make sure to make it bigger though, seems like Link could hit his head when he tries to walk under the arch. Also, I like how the textures compliment each other, gives it a nice touch

    yeah the aspect ratio these screen shots are at is 720p, which does make it look a bit off. Looks fine at a normal 4:3 resolution.


    I think his screenshots suffer an aspect ratio difference... compared to Link's height, it looks fine.


    I like the main map design, but it's lacking some nicer decal. I'm not saying that it's not nice as it is, because it looks good.

    I just think the textures can stand out a bit more perhaps.... like the brick looks so washed out and flat when it can look more like brick.


    Good work with the UV mapping btw.

    I completely agree with you. I'm not very good at texturing in the first place, weirdly the brick looks a whole lot better in Sketch up itself, but in game it looks way to damn soft. Something i'm defiantly gonna be fixing here before to long.

    • Like 2
  3. This is the result of a mod I started back in 2012/2013. After URA was canceled for the first time, which greatly saddened me, but seeing a few great fan projects pop up (Mainly Izou Zelda) I was inspired to the art of map/dungeon design.


    My original intention was to make an expansion akin to Ura, with several new dungeons, and things alike. But as anyone who knows, the more time you put into something, the better you get, and the inexperience and lack of quality really shows in your earlier work. On top of being stuck in a horrible job situation and generally being stressed out, (that's all behind me, things are much better now) I had ultimately decided I needed to start from scratch.


    So here I am, promising one dungeon, my own personal vision of the temple of light. Its not perfect, I still have allot to learn about designing environments and maps, but I assure you, ill try my damnedest to make it fun and challenging. I also have several proof of concepts, that I very may well make something out of, but ONLY after this current mod is complete and released, which I am aiming for this summer.


    The layout itself is about 50% complete, but the planing itself is 100% done. By end month, (march) I aim to fully have the layout modeled, maybe textured. I have oodles of free time currently, this is the ONLY part of my potential project, that I ABSOLUTELY PROMISE to release. Sorry to those who initially looked at this topic when I first posted, it was 4am, I was tired, but seriously inspired to make this...anyway, below is a small preview of whats to come.


    (note, these screens are re textures of what I first posted last night. they still may be subject to change. You can view everything here http://imgur.com/a/eiufz )







    • Like 7
  4. I shared the project with everyone on my team, taking in their ideas and listening to their input. I would also credit my members for their work but as you said, what happened back then is the past and this is a new project with a new team. We will release information when we are ready, unlike last time we aren't going to cave into the pressure of the community for updates but we will also be able to talk with the community on the forums so they won't be entirely in the dark.

    Hell, I don't care if updates only come around every five months, i'm not blaming a single individual for this, but can we try not to have a trailer 3 incident again? If you guys start to mention an update is around the corner, please make sure its actually around the corner lol. That's all I ask...

    • Like 1
  5. Just had to be that guy huh? lol jk its all good! I'm sure you are asking what others have had on their mind as well. We won't be releasing the files, not because Shadowfire and I don't want to release it. Actually its quiet the opposite, we want to release it so badly that we are restarting the project, though under a different title and team while reworking a lot of the kinks/problems that plagued the project. With that, is all I can say on the matter at this time. :)

    That's an interesting bit of news, and its secretly what I've always wanted to here. I was fucking pissed when the project was canceled, and its nice to know it may be coming back. I'm sure you guys of all thought of this, but please, scale it back so you can all handle it. Also, are you guys gonna be going back to the OOT engine?

  6. I'd have maybe taken offense if it wasn't just the plain truth.






    I missed that somehow!  Freaken AWSOME!!!


    Also, why doesn't the pic repost?  LAME. :(

    If it makes you feel better dude, your probably the only other guy whose still around who can pull of a mod lol, from what i've seen of your most recent mod your map making skills kick ass!

  7. I fell into the chi/ki path before, spells are more effective in wicca than this hoax. I used to try everything to control it, and yeah I could feel my hands get hot, so there's something to control... but a lot of these "documentaries" are a buttload of bullsh**. You're healthier/stronger to be more down to earth and exercise and eat right. You'll be stronger than focusing on some supernatural ability.


    I also controlled the wind at some points in my teen life... I could try to redo it, but it makes my emotions unstable. Honestly, why bother controlling powers and elements? You'll probably mess up something... even if you could fully control something, which even I had limits.


    I might sound weird talking about this, and I don't really care about it anymore... real power is in yourself, not some aura or magic.

    Exactly, thats also what martial arts that AREN'T FARCE, (pretty much anything but this bullshit) teach. Our strength comes from within ourselves, not from mystical bullshit.

    • Like 1
  8. I can answer this for you, I myself am a martial arts practitioner and yes chi is real but its nothing like it is in this video.Chi is quite simple another term for "blood", it isnt some mystical force, its simply what's coursing through everyones veins. These guys that claim they are using chi to blast energy at you and whatnot are full of it.

    • Like 1
  9. Does anyone else think its a joke when a project thread is started, and they have absolutely NOTHING TO SHOW? please people starting projects, show at least SOMETHING OFF besides written text of your idea. Then maybe, someone might take you seriously. I'm sorry but this thread is a perfect example of this and its time someone said something.

    • Like 4
  10. I've played a good amount myself and have seen a shit ton more from my roommate whos like 20 hours in already. I will still say I don't agree with all the 9 and 10's but remember its my opinion. Its a huge step up from pretty much all the other gta games, seeing as I should have explained myself a little further its by no means a shoot fest, and they really did pack allot of other optional stuff in there, I most certainly wasn't unaware of what there is to do. At the end of the day the GTA franchise has never appealed to me like it has to most.

  11. I'm gonna be that guy, but I've played it for a few hours today and well.... It was okay.


    It's a clear step up from IV, but it still feels like the same old "drive here, shoot this, chase that" gameplay. I know that's the point, which is cool and all, but I just don't understand the hype over this game.


    On a positive note, the story is interesting enough to keep me playing and the world has a lot of attention to detail.


    I also particularly enjoyed a mission involving weed and a bad trip and fighting off aliens, that was very funny.



    But yeah, in my opinion, it's not this huge 9/10 everyone's hyping it up to be, *it just evokes the older GTA games rather than GTAIV. (Given that IV was the first one I played, I guess the nostalgia thing isn't really doing anything.)


    This may be taken badly, but in this genre, a game I prefer is Sleeping Dogs. Sure it's not as large and is a little bit rusty around the edges, but it had a level of depth to it that I'm just not getting from GTA.


    Aaaaaand, that's my two cents.



    *From what all of my friends are telling me when I've expressed my opinion

    I agree with you 100% on this, very solid gta game but its no 9/10 imo.

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