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Posts posted by _MarcMadness_

  1. Hello guys and I've decided to start ROM Hacking for Ocarina of Time.


    However I need some help finding some software to help me for my mods.


    I don't want the mods to be too complicated but all i really want to do is:


    -Edit the text of ocarina of time

    -Edit actors

    -Make and import new maps

    -change exits for maps

    -edit/change the music

    -make my own puzzles for dungeons


    I would really appreciate if you guys could tell me some tips and link to some software for modding. Thank You.


    Hey guys i actually downloaded the leaked URA Files so i made a mediafre download link right here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/yo6wcgg1rdk4nck/URA_Leaks.rar


    If anyone would like to finish the project be my guest .

    I hate to have to repeat this, but this pack has only a fraction of stuff. A majority of stuff is still (possibly) in Zeth's possession, plus the pack contains very outdated pictures of the text that I edited. There is a lot more which has not been released.


    As the team member who was responsible for editing the game's text, I can assure you that what you are seeing is quite redundant.


    Now, as far as the leaked files goes, I will actually be getting more stuff, putting it into the pack, and resubmitting it, on this community itself. I will also be checking with other former team members to see if they have anything additional to add.


    alright can you make a download for the leaked files on this website and update the download everytime you get more files?


    Small advice ShadowFire, you shouldn't put this 40 sec. long advertisement at the beginning of the video, since people might lose interest immediately. Maybe you should just have the GCN logo and the link to the site appear at the beginning.

    Ironically, that was an error on Vegas PRO's part. I'd had intended for it to only show the site credentials and Enter the zone text, but it rendered the entire thing.


    Hey Shadow Fire, can you download the 2 trailers of mine and put them on the GCN YouTube channel so they can all be in one place?

  4. Posted Image


    Yeah, I'm not sure why it isn't working other than the exporter too. I forgot about that part. I have better luck using the one with sketchup though, the other one kills my rom.


    Um, no offense but I don't see how that's possible.  The .OBJ exporter never interacts with the ROM.  Are you confusing the .OBJ exporter with a particular version Sharp Ocarina?




    Map in millimeter, and the measurements will be in perfect scale with game.  No setting to have to fool around with, and conversions are guaranteed to be error free.  Do yourself a favor and get the best tool for the job.



    the file extension is .rb what do i open the file with?

  5. Yeah, I'm not sure why it isn't working other than the exporter too. I forgot about that part. I have better luck using the one with sketchup though, the other one kills my rom.

    Nevermind what i said before v05 destroyed my rom, anyway your solution about turning on the triangluating the faces worked.  Thank You very much, in a few weeks I want to start making dungeons. :D

  6. Yeah, I'm not sure why it isn't working other than the exporter too. I forgot about that part. I have better luck using the one with sketchup though, the other one kills my rom.

    actually a few minutes ago i tried using SharpOcarina v05 instead of v06 and i didn't get the error, that's pretty odd but oh well.  Thanks for the help though. 



    • Like 1

    Okay, I took a look at it.


    There's a few things wrong with it, but it imports correctly into SO for me. But, when I imported it:


    Posted Image


    I took all the textures off of it and all your faces need to be reversed. The picture above shows the difference in colour you want. You want pure white when you look straight at it. The map imported fine into the SO and when I injected it into the rom, and you fall right through, I was confused for a moment.


    But yep, it imports fine in mine, just make sure you're picking the same thing for the collision model (check the outdoor scene so you can see what you are doing), then go to rooms, add room, and make sure you pick the correct obj file. You want the same obj file for both.


    Make sure your triangulating faces is checked in the options when you export the obj model as well.



    Thank you for all of the Information, but do you have any idea on how to fix my problem importing the .obj file?

  8. Wow, this mod seems very promising!!! I'm almost as excited as I was when I first heard about the URA Project. By the way when do you think the first trailer will be shown off?



    You should make a spell that acts a ring of fire that burns any creature Link moves into.

    do you know how hard that would be to program?
  9. Hello, I'm having trouble importing my map that I modeled in Google Sketchup 8.  Whenever I put in the Collision Model (and the Room) into SharpOcarina I get this Error Message that says...


    "Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application.

     If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to 



    I still clicked continue but it didn't work.  So can you guys please help me on how to fix this problem so I can import my custom map and them share it on here.

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