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Tutorial Creation

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You may have noticed that you can't create a new topic in this area. This is due to the tutorial system automatically creating the official support topic for said tutorial. You will still be able to reply to the official support topics as normally possible in other topics though, to provide feedback and get support.


To create a tutorial, simply use the Tutorials System. However, before you do, you should take a few things into consideration.


In addition to these guidelines, the community Terms of Service must also be adhered to. When using the tutorials system, please ensure that you:

  • place your tutorial in the correct category.
    1. If your tutorial is to provide gaming codes, such as cheats, please place it in the "Codes" category.
    2. All other tutorials are to be placed within the category labeled "The GCN".

    [*]provide all information as accurately as possible.

    [*]list all sources used to obtain this information and give credit where due.

    [*]not use massive images in your tutorials.

Thank you.

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