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Nintendo 2DS now available with Pokémon X and Y


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I know how much you people love Pokémon so I've got nice news for ya'll. Pokémon X and Y each come in a bundle with a 2DS. Sadly though, it's just pre-installed, so you won't have a physical copy of the game and the 2DS's will NOT have a special design, so, sorry all you collectors out there.


They're available from today on and will cost about $149.99 in the states. The Y version will only be available in Toys R Us it seems.


Both Versions will also be available in Europe today for 149.00€, except for Germany. There it seems, only the X version will be available, but therefore there will be a bundle with Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Both of them will also cost 149.00€.


Note: Please correct me if there is any false info.

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